Saturday, October 6, 2018

Turkish Police Believe Saudi Dissident Khashoggi Was Killed Inside Saudi Arabia's Consulate In Istanbul

Reuters: Turkish police believe Saudi journalist was killed at consulate: sources

ANKARA (Reuters) - ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities believe that prominent Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who disappeared four days ago after entering Saudi Arabia’s consulate in Istanbul, was killed inside the consulate, two Turkish sources said on Saturday.

“The initial assessment of the Turkish police is that Mr. Khashoggi has been killed at the consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul. We believe that the murder was premeditated and the body was subsequently moved out of the consulate,” one Turkish official told Reuters.

The sources did not say how they believed the killing was carried out. Saudi Arabia’s consul-general told Reuters on Saturday his country was helping search for Khashoggi, and dismissed talk of his possible abduction.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is going to convince no one .... Saudi Arabia opens up consulate after journalist vanishes (Reuters)

More News On Turkish Police Now Believing Saudi Dissident Khashoggi Was Killed Inside Saudi Arabia's Consulate In Istanbul

Turkey concludes Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi killed by ‘murder’ team, sources say -- Washington Post
Turkish investigators say lost Saudi Journalist murdered by 15-member team: Report -- NYDaily News
Missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi 'was killed inside Saudi consulate' -- SKY News
Turkish police say missing Washington Post contributor was murdered: report -- The Hill
Turkish police believe Khashoggi killed inside Saudi consulate -- Al Jazeera
Turkish police suspect Saudi journalist Khashoggi was killed at consulate: Reports -- Middle East Eye
Turkey launches investigation into Saudi journalist's disappearance -- CNN


Anonymous said...

Ugh. Super. I'm sure America, the UK, and France will still be able to sell KSA and UAE bombs and missiles, refuel their F-15's and Typhoons, provide targeting intel and bomb damage assessment for the never-ending war crime in Yemen.

There's plenty of school buses, hospitals and markets to bomb. Tom Friedman and Jared must be having second thoughts about their love affair with MSB. Said no ever. So many, many, many women and children left to slaughter.

Anonymous said...

MBS allowed some women to drive. Then he sent a hit squad to kill Khashoggi.

In between he, Jared, DEALS, Barack and the GENERALS AND SPOOKS said bomb the s#$t out of a bunch of slobs in Yemen. The cholera is an added side benefit. EXTERMINATE THE BRUTES AND KIDS ON SCHOOL BUSES.

Anonymous said...

Anon 831

Much easier to deal with Saudi Arabia than say China.

In the same breath I do not hear you say we should stop trading with China.


Maybe an erudite and upright person such as yourself can come up with a #.

A # say from a Freedom index. If a country has a score below X then we cease trading with them.

Come on Anon 831, you should be good for a #.

Anonymous said...

Deflect deflect Aizononymous,

The Saudis are your thug buddies and paymasters.

I'm sure they are happy to see their PR money well-spent.

When oh when will you register as a foreign agent?

#hypocrite #toady #lyingsackofshit

Anonymous said...

Here you go B

Curl up with your masters in Tehran.

Anonymous said...

Wow Dude China and Saudia Arabia have the same score.

Yet, I never hear your DA say we should stop trading with China.