Tuesday, October 9, 2018

US Ambassador To The U.N. Nikki Haley Has Resigned

The Guardian: Nikki Haley resigns as US ambassador to UN and will leave post in January

* Trump said he had been informed ‘probably six months ago’
* Timing of departure a surprise to state department and UN

Nikki Haley has resigned as the US ambassador to the United Nations and will leave her post in January, in a move that stunned allied diplomats and other senior officials.

Haley and Donald Trump announced her departure in the Oval Office. The timing came as a surprise to her colleagues at the state department and at the UN security council.

The secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, and the national security adviser, John Bolton, are reported to have been taken unawares. But the president claimed he had been informed well in advance.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A few months ago I had a sense that she was going to resign in her third year at the U.N.. But resigning now is a surprise to me.

More News On The Resignation Of US Ambassador To The U.N. Nikki Haley

UN Ambassador Haley resigning in latest Trump shakeup -- AP
Trump's U.N. envoy Nikki Haley quits, denies 2020 ambitions -- Reuters
Nikki Haley resigns as Trump's UN ambassador -- AFP
Nikki Haley to Resign as Trump’s Ambassador to the U.N. -- The New York Times
Nikki Haley resigns as Trump’s U.N. ambassador -- Washington Post
Nikki Haley resigns as UN ambassador, stays mum on next move -- FOX NeWs
Trump's UN Ambassador Nikki Haley resigns -- CNN
US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley resigns -- DW
Nikki Haley: US ambassador to UN resigns -- BBC
Nikki Haley resigns as US ambassador to United Nations -- Al Jazeera
Trump accepts Nikki Haley's surprise resignation as UN ambassador -- RT
Netanyahu praises Nikki Haley after she quits UN post -- AFP
UN chief praises Haley's 'excellent cooperation' -- AFP
Nikki Haley resigns as UN ambassador, stays mum on next move -- FOX News
Nikki Haley: from South Carolina state house to UN and now...? -- AFP


fred said...

Haley said that she did not always agree with Trump and did not shy away from telling him so. “I proudly serve in this administration, and I enthusiastically support most of its decisions and the direction it is taking the country. But I don’t agree with the president on everything. When there is disagreement, there is a right way and a wrong way to address it. I pick up the phone and call him or meet with him in person,” she wrote. Then she wrote about the duty of dissenting officials: “If you disagree with some policies, make your case directly to the president. If that doesn’t work, and you are truly bothered by the direction of the administration, then resign on principle.”

Roger Smith said...

Well, she shook up what needed shaking up; the UN's suit brigade. I was pleased with her efforts.