Saturday, October 20, 2018

U.S. Congressman Accuses President Trump's Son-In-Law And Adviser Of Orchestrating The Killing Of Khashoggi

The Hill: Joaquin Castro accuses Kushner of orchestrating killing of Khashoggi

Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) on Friday accused senior White House adviser Jared Kushner of orchestrating the killing of Saudi-born Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

Castro, who serves on the House Intelligence Committee, told CNN he did not have substantial evidence to support his claim, but repeatedly cited media reports on the subject.

Castro cited unspecified reporting “that Jared Kushner may have, with U.S. intelligence, delivered a hit list, an enemies list, to the crown prince, to MBS, in Saudi Arabia and that the prince may have acted on that.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is a U.S. Congressman on the House of Intelligence Committee. Does he know something that we do not?

Update: Not surprising .... White House blasts Texas congressman for 'slanderous lie' as he calls for investigation into whether Jared Kushner shared intelligence with Saudis that led to killing of Jamal Khashoggi (Daily Mail).

Update #2: It looks like he received a number of calls to pull back his accusations .... Joaquin Castro takes back claim that Jared Kushner orchestrated Khashoggi killing (Dallas News).


Anonymous said...

Joaquin Castro should not retract his unsubstantiated allegations.

He needs to stay bat shit crazy like the rest of the Democrats.

poppa warbucks said...

Mnuchin: Democrats, not Trump's tax bill, to blame for deficits

Anonymous said...

Deficit = Expenditures - Revenues

Revenues went up.

But Expenditures went up more.

There is no way a slim majority can make headway against the gangster Democrats, who for example assault women in plain view of several other people.

Anonymous said...

It is almost noon and no Fred.

He must have been on a manic high Thursday and Friday.

Roger Smith said...

Why this guy is allowed to be on a congressional committee with the word Intelligence in it's title is beyond me.

Bob Huntley said...

That they attach "intelligence" to any department is beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

That anyone would consider Bob Huntley intelligent is even further beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

"On CNN Friday morning, U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-San Antonio, without citing evidence or sources, suggested that President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner may have played a role in the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi."

Typical Dimocrat tactic.

B.Poster said...

US (un)intelligence, nothing this group publishes,should ever be trusted as a primary source. What an extraordinarily reckless thing for this man to have said.

We are already in a Cold War with Russia, China, Iran and a number of others. The risks of this becoming hot are far greater than it was during Cold War 1. Should it become hot our chances of winning are problematic at best. Essentially in this environment alienating Saudi Arabia is a spectacularly bad idea. This journalist definitely isn't worth it.

Anonymous said...

Kashoggi was a Muslim Brotherhood member.

The Washington Post was fine with it.

The employees of the Washington Post should all be in prison for aiding and abetting.

Anonymous said...

Didn't that disgraced idiot Brennan also have intelligence in his title? He sounds like a guy in the day care centre, but they loooove him on cnn. Figures

Anonymous said...

This rare time though even the cnn anchor didn't get along and told him that they basically haven't heard it (translation: tune it down a notch you are even too crazy for our show)
Typical cnn strategy is let the crazies talk with no substantive follow up question and wrap it all in an opinion or "analysis" (hahaha) piece
Such crooks

Just a few days guys. We gotta vote them out and vote them out big - even if we have all those crazies and leftist mobs coming out. This is about saving the nation

Anonymous said...

This guy has retarded hair he looks like a middle aged version of my brother with retarded hair.

Bob Huntley said...

My condolences to your brother and you.

fred said...


The Real Reasons Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Wanted Khashoggi 'Dead or Alive'

His death is key to understanding the political forces that helped turn the Middle East from a region of hope seven years ago to one of brutal repression and slaughter today.

Anonymous said...

and hasn't changed one bit.