Saturday, October 20, 2018

U.S. Navy Planning To Send Warships Between China And Taiwan

Reuters: Exclusive: U.S. weighs new warship passage through Taiwan Strait

SINGAPORE/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is considering a new operation to send warships through the Taiwan Strait, U.S. officials tell Reuters, a mission aimed at ensuring free passage through the strategic waterway but which risks heightening tensions with China.

The U.S. Navy conducted a similar mission in the strait’s international waters in July and any repeat would be seen in self-ruled Taiwan as a fresh expression of support by President Donald Trump’s government.

The U.S. military declined comment and U.S. officials who discussed the deliberations, which have not been previously reported, did so on condition of anonymity. They did not discuss the potential timing for any fresh passage through the strait.

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More News On The U.S. Navy Planning To Send Warships Between China And Taiwan

US mulls sending warships through Taiwan Strait amid China tensions -- The Hill
U.S. May Sail Through Taiwan Strait, Provoking China -- The Wall Street Journal
US expected to dispatch warships to pass through Taiwan Strait -- Taiwan Strait
US Mulls Warship Passage Through Taiwan Straight Risking China's Fury -- Sputnik


Lucky Bucks said...


Vancouver was the first place to experience the tidal wave of Chinese cash. Now the city is leading efforts to stop it.

Americanadian soldier said...

Keep on poking the hornets nest..... only a matter of time now

Anonymous said...

Taiwan has a right to be a country.

I would like to see them become a part of China, but it has to be done under the right circumstances. Things should not be rushed and you should not merge a Democracy with an authoritarian state just because.

Anonymous said...

Why would you like them to be part of china? You would condemn millions of souls to live under tyranic rule. Just ask Hong Kong citizens how they feel now.. ask the book dealers who got abducted to mainland China, tortured, and then appeared on national TV admitting to their sins of "lying" about Xi.

fazman said...

Hopefully, and well over due

fazman said...

Part of China?, why?

Anonymous said...

- Because they are ethnic Han.

- Because historically it has been part of China

But it is up to the Taiwanese and the Chinese.

The Taiwanese would have to vote to join and the Chinese would have to vote to accept them.

Anonymous said...

Note how BamBam, the boy president, never did anything so bold.

Anonymous said...

Leave Obama alone ...he was leading from behind. 5d chess! We're just naive racists not worthy of criticising his grand chess mastery and should thank him that we deplorables are even allowed to vote. So never ever speak out against his leadership again

Anonymous said...

Mock on. Fact: so big deal we send a ship in international bold..Ol. had no need to since the Chinese did not act up while he was president. The ship will go and Trump will be a hero. And then what has changed?

fazman said...

Can't wait for Mexico to claim Texas then

Anonymous said...

Texas was part of Mexico.

This is true.

But back in the day Mexico was so corrupt than Texas and 3 other Mexican states revolted.

Texas succeeded in breaking away. The other 3 states did not.

Mexico is still corrupt. Shock!