Wednesday, October 10, 2018

U.S. Senator Rand Paul: Worries That Today's Political Climate May Result In Someone Being Assassinated

The Hill: Rand Paul on political climate: 'I really worry that someone is going to be killed'

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday said lawmakers should tamp down their political rhetoric, warning that otherwise it could lead to violence.

Paul, during an interview with a Kentucky radio station, said he was concerned that there "is going to be an assassination," after a few tense weeks around the Capitol because of the Supreme Court fight.

"I really worry that someone is going to be killed and that those who are ratcheting up the conversation ... they have to realize that they bear some responsibility if this elevates to violence," Paul said.

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Update: Sen. Rand Paul's right -- 'someone is going to be killed' (Washington Times)

WNU Editor: US Senator Rand Paul's concerns are justified. He escaped the mass shooting at last year's Republican baseball game, and was personally attacked by a neighbor who put him in the hospital for two months with severe injuries. I mentioned it a few days ago, but the vitriol and over the top hate that I am now seeing on the media and among some in the Democrat party is unprecedented. It only takes one insane person who will act on these calls for action to cause a national crisis.


Anonymous said...

This is nothing new. American history is littered with acts of political violence and assassination.

The thing is, Rand and his loopy wife are useless and no assassin worth his salt would ever think of offing them.

Anonymous said...

This over the top outrage on the left is really beyond anything I have ever seen. I cannot believe they will "win" in the midterms.. people don't like it when they are being harassed, when streets are patrolled by mobs like Antifa. And meanwhile on CNN they have this new agenda to not let anyone use the word "mob".. they try to bully you into believing it's not happening on the left. But it is. We all see what happened at the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. Because of political hatred, they came THIS close to abandoning the core principal of the rule of law: Innocence until proven guilty. The screaming, hysteric mobs that roamed Washington --- that's the consequence of giving in to CNN and MSNBC, letting them for 2 years spew nonsense and innuendo with no consequences. Porn star lawyers running for presidency. In my book - and I used to be democrat - it's over for that party for a couple decades. How can they recover from this hatred, bigotry and mob mentality? It's like what we (back when I was a democrat) were thinking of the tea-party multiplied with a hundred. They are absolutely unhinged insane. And the really scary thing is they do not listen, as if they were hypnotized dumb parrots, like Fred. But roaming the streets with batons, ready to hit you over the head if you say you like a few things about Trump - ready to label you racist, bigot, and evil. It has to stop and if the midterms do not put a stop to this nightmare, then there will likely be a lot of bloodshed in the streets, because the leftist radicals will just keep coming.

Anonymous said...

First commentator is clearly a lefty, making fun of assassination the Paul family, after he was already attacked brutally (from behind, remember?). Way to go.

Anonymous said...

If you want a catalog of what the organized left is up to, see this list of 583 instances of lefty violence, intimidation, acts of aggression against the right.

Of course the top one was lefty Bernie supporter James T. Hodgkinson, tried to assassinate a bunch of Republican members of the US House of Representatives in 2017 using a rifle. The left is already homicidal, calculating and hopefully being investigated by many agencies of the feds. Names being taken.

Anonymous said...

Flow your butthurt, flow your butthurt.

Anonymous said...

Anon who posted a breitbart link. I'm sorry, I can not go to that website, it is almost illegal .. why? Because CNN tells us Breitbart = evil.. Do not question it. Just go with it. CNN never lies to you. They are not pathetic political hacks who almost threw the constitution and rule of law under the bus to kill Kavanaugh. No, this are princess of light who know better. Hence I cannot go to that website. Also, when lefties smash my head in, I clearly had it coming for voting for the wrong person. I'm just filth and happy to be allowed to breath. All glory to Maxine Waters and the left!

Anonymous said...

From a distinguished law professor at the University of Tennessee, Instapundit blog.

WHERE DO THEY GO FROM HERE? The Kavanaugh saga shows we have not yet plumbed the depths of Democratic ruthlessness.


● Democrat Doxxer Threatened To Reveal Senators’ Children’s Health Information.

● DC restaurant: We’ve received death threats after Ted Cruz, wife forced out by protesters.

● Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ): We Are Less Than 60 Days From Totally ‘Kicking the S–t Out of the Republicans.’

● Networks Silent On Attempted Stabbing of GOP Candidate By Anti-Trump Attacker.

● Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Jokes About Threatening Trump Supporters ‘All The Time.’

● Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History.

● Politico: After failing to stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Democrats wonder if it’s time to be more ruthless.

But don’t you dare call them a mob.

Anonymous said...

More from the daily does of lefty violence and intimidation.

"Antifa Protesters Block Portland Traffic, Nearly Start Riot During Patrick Kimmons Vigil

Antifa protesters blocked traffic and almost started a riot during a Saturday march and vigil for Patrick Kimmons, a black Portland man shot by police on September 30 after he allegedly shot two people and approached officers holding a gun."

Anonymous said...

Just saw the first pictures of the hurricane Michael aftermath...At first I honestly thought some swlf-righteous lefties trashed the street, but then I realised it was the hurricane... that should tell you the state of the democratic party. I cannot distinguish them and what they -together with the far left- do to this country from a natural catastrophe. That Maxime Waters hasn't resigned nor was asked to resign, tells me also that they're morally bankrupt and will do anything to get back in power. Truly frightening

Anonymous said...

"Black-clad antifa members attack peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley

Left-wing counterprotesters clashed with right-wing protesters and Trump supporters on Aug. 27 in Berkeley, Calif. (Photo: Josh Edelson/The Washington Post)

Their faces hidden behind black bandannas and hoodies, about 100 anarchists and antifa— “anti-fascist” — members barreled into a protest Sunday afternoon in Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park.

Jumping over plastic and concrete barriers, the group melted into a larger crowd of around 2,000 that had marched peacefully throughout the sunny afternoon for a “Rally Against Hate” gathering."

Anonymous said...

Documenting the despicable and full of hate Left can be a life long project given the number of events.

"Tuesday, police arrested Yvette Felarca, a Berkeley middle-school teacher who is one of the leaders of the Antifa group By Any Means Necessary. Felarca is charged with inciting a riot last June in Sacramento, CA. "

Anonymous said...

All you must be mistaken.

I just turned on cnn and no reports on any of this. I'm sure it never happened, otherwise these anchors that pull 7-8 figure salaries for telling me how to vote surely would have told me about what's happening on their side, the left.

Also Don Lemon told me Trump is pure evil and anyone even considering to vote for that guy in 2020 is a bigot and racist. And you know, that Don lemon guy sure has life figured out, wearing a suit AND glasses. I mean common, how cool and intellectual that? Big glasses too, so you know he's a serious intellectual guy, not a borderline alcoholic who gets it up the ass most nights.

Anonymous said...

As a leftist who is pro white-genocide, I can't tell if the anons on this site are bots or sock-puppets.

fred said...

Let's be fair and objective. Both sides are now at times displaying bad behavior. to blame CNN is nutty. Don't like the channel, do not go there but it is rather odd to not go there and bad mouth it or go there and then tell us how bad they are.
We are tribal. But now, living in much larger groups, our tribal loyalties are extended. Thus, as a number of writers have noted, the split between the left and the right, that is, when animosity replaced compromise, began with Gingrich and his closing down the govt to get what he wanted. Since that time, Red versus Blue has worsened. To blame the Left solely or the Right is as partisan as it can be...and, worse, to think clever name calling is truly clever helps not at all

Anonymous said...

Fred, that's what the left always does when caught in the act of insane violence.. THEN they say "nonono, the right does it too".. not really. Yes, you have sometimes terrorists that are labeled "right", like the oklahoma city bomber.. because he was against government.. lol fair enough.. if the left weren't a bunch of idiotic morons, incapable of even holding a job at McDonalds, they too would build bombs. Better believe it. Instead,they round up seniors in the park and on the streets and hit them for being white and old, you know "entitled".. right.. entitled to be executed and molested and harrassed and beaten, for the wrong skin color. This hasn't happened in the US for a long long time, since when the KKK was roaming the streets in the deep south in the 1950s.. but the left is doing it in Portland, in New York - to anyone they think is "entitled" (translation: anyone able to hold a job and paying taxes... and being white.. the sin!).
You dumb little parrot are the main cause of this. Not you personally, Fred, but weak minded parrots like you who suck up the narrative CNN and MSNBC gives you for two years straight AND THEN EVEN BE SO DUMB AND REPEAT IT AND POST HUNDREDS OF LINKS AND SAY "THIS IS FACT".
The moronic levels you have shown are documented everywhere. The only way to make up for your sins of stupidity is to watch at least one hour of Fox every week, so you get to see the other side. Honest discourse, not constant labeling and name calling on the left. Yes, I label you too,but only because I am trying to wake you up for two years (and remind you of your sins of constant babbeling and repeating this stew of nonsense you call facts). Please, little parrot,just wake up ffs the nation depends on it, we need everyone