Thursday, October 4, 2018

White House Outlines Its Counter-Terrorism Strategy

U.S. national-security adviser John Bolton

The Hill: Trump approves new counterterrorism strategy

The Trump administration on Thursday rolled out what it billed as a “robust” counterterrorism strategy, saying that it differs from the previous administration's by focusing on “terrorist ideology.”

“We recognize that there is a terrorist ideology that we’re confronting,” national security adviser John Bolton said. “And I think it’s long been the president’s view that without recognizing that we’re in an ideological struggle that we can’t properly address the terrorist threat. I think in that sense this is much broader than strategies in the previous administration."

Bolton unveiled the strategy in a briefing with reporters, saying it is meant to address the “increasingly complex and evolving terrorist threat” to the United States.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. is focused on Iran .... White House Adviser: Iran Is 'Central Banker' For Terrorism (RFE). The White House document is here .... National Strategy for Counterterrorism of the United States of America

More News On The White House Outlining Its Counter-Terrorism Strategy

U.S. counterterrorism strategy puts new focus on Iran and proxies -- Reuters
White House outlines counterterrorism strategy, slams Iran -- FOX News/AP
Terrorist Threat ‘More Fluid and Complex Than Ever,’ White House Says -- The New York Times
White House targets Iran with new counterterrorism strategy -- Politico
Trump administration unveils new counterterrorism strategy -- CNN
White House Approves Broad New Counterterrorism Strategy - Bolton -- Sputnik
‘This is not the Obama admin’: Bolton unveils Trump’s new far-reaching counter-terrorism strategy -- RT
Trump’s Counterterrorism Strategy Is a Relief -- Joshua A. Geltzer, The Atlantic


Anonymous said...


You can't miss Bolton's fully erect d$%kin that picture as he dreams of the mullahs running to hide in the Zagros.

I don't see any possible way this strategy will fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW you can also see Bibi and MBS fully erect d$%ks in that picture too.

B.Poster said...


Iran is arrogant as you are and this may well be their undoing. It's never a good idea to underestimate an adversary as Iran is doing with regards to America. It's an even worse idea to underestimate an adversary you are trying to commit genocide against.

Does this mean we are going to have regime change? Not necessarily. Personally, of I were our leaders, I'd seek to enlist the help of Iran's most powerful allies in Russia and China here for help in preventing Iran from achieving their goal in carrying out their dream of "death to America." After all decent and civilized people do not call for genocide against other nations.

At this point, Iran could be pushed towards a UN tribunal to end this conflict once and for all. Obviously, in the current environment, Iran would come out WAY AHEAD. Of course this means ending the conflict which they don't want to do. Frankly, as an American with loved ones to protect, I'd likely accept this to FINALLY get this behind us and OVER once and for all.

Iran can't even be a gracious winner!! There extreme arrogance may well be what finally does them in. They wouldn't be the first to suffer such a fate nor are they likely to be the last.

Anonymous said...

Anon 917

How come you drooled, when you said d$%kin ?

Anonymous said...

Every one knows Bolton is at maximum chub right now. He is so close to his dream.

How is Iran ever, ever, ever, ever going to to do anything, a godda##n thing to America when it spends $10-$15 billion a year vs. a maniacal country that spends close to a $trillion dollars year on its nat-sec state and has the worlds reserve currency.

Iran is no threat. The mad mullahs make a good villain though. If you lose sleep over an Iranian threat you are an old nerd, no disrespect.

Anonymous said...

Iran bombed Pan Am flight 103.

They assisted Al Qaeda in the 911 attacks

Iran is a clear and present danger.

B.Poster said...

Anon (10:41PM),

Very respectfully your analysis is flawed. How much a country spends on its military, while not necessarily unimportant, is the least important stat when comparing military capabilities of countries. It is sort of like time of possession in American football which expert commentators have called "the least important statistic." While military spending is not entirely irrelevant, it is not the be all end all and is actually even less important than time of possession in American football.

Now as for the US role as world reserve currency, the end to this is inevitable. In fact, the main goal of US policy should be to ensure an orderly transition and a "soft landing" when the inevitable occurs. Sanctioning Iran without Russian and Chinese support only serves to undermine this and undercuts what should be the desired goal of a soft landing. In short, this is not an asset to the US here as you seem to think it is.

Your last statement should be changed to better reflect reality. "America is no threat. The US leadership and Americans make good villains." While I would not suggest losing sleep ignoring reality tends to never end well.