Thursday, October 4, 2018

Will South Korean President Kim Jong-un And North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Kim Be Awarded The Nobel Peace Prize This Friday?

ABC News Online: Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in are among the bookies' favourites for the Nobel Peace Prize

The Nobel Peace Prize is set to be announced tonight and one of the bookies' favourite pairs may come as a surprise — controversial North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

A total of 331 individuals and organisations have been nominated this year, but with the official list of candidates a tightly-kept secret, who might win is anyone's bet.

On Friday morning, Australian betting website SportsBet had the Korean leaders as its second-favourite at short odds, just behind German leader Angela Merkel.

Read more ....

Update: Here Are the Favorites to Win the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize (Time)

WNU Editor: This is my prediction .... Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed And Eritrean President Isaias Afeworki Will Win This Year's Nobel Peace Prize (July 19, 2018). But I will not be surprised if the ACLU (who is on the list for this year's prize) be awarded the prize (as a snub to President Trump).


fazman said...

They wouldn't be at this point without trump calling fat boys bluff.

B.Poster said...

NK and SK have always had men like Kim and Moon in positions of power. America has always had men like Pompeo in positions of political power. America has never had a man like Trump in power and I don't think NK or SK ever have either. Trump is the only new variable in this equation.

Very soon after the new variable began to interact with the situation positive change began to occur. As such, I think it is reasonable to theorize that Trump is the primary reason for the current positive developments.

As,I've stated many times, without inside information in real time which I do not have, we cannot "know" for certain. There may be another or other variables operating behind the scenes that are unknown. I think it should be a given that an overwhelming body of evidence suggests we are moving in the right direction. In my considered opinion, at a minimum a "preponderance of the evidence" suggests Trump is the primary diver behind these developments

With that said I think it is WAY to early to talk about Nobel prizes. There is still MUCH that can go wrong. Frankly I don't think Trump cares about things like Nobel prizes. Frankly, for all his flaws, it's refreshing to finally have a POTUS who is more interested in advancing American interests than his own ego.

B.Poster said...

You mention "calling fat boys bluff." This may have some validity, however, I don't think it was a bluff. Remember when he's breathing out these threats he has China and Russia- arguably the world's most powerful countries- behind him. At that point, there's really no one to make him afraid. Why was Trump able to call his bluff, if we assume it is/was a bluff which very respectfully I do not blithely assume it was? Answer: he was, to a large degree, able to procure the support of Russia and China to support America's position. Two often overlooked aspects are 1.)getting Russia and China largely onboard with sanctions was/is a stroke of diplomatic brilliance. 2.) Candidate Trump correctly called out SK and a number of other countries as users and abusers of America. This sent a message loud and clear to SK and its leadership. America could not and would not be expected to serve as South Korea's pawn/bitch boy forever. As such, the message is sent loud and clear. Carry out sincere efforts to make peace with North Korea.

A bit off topic but I noticed countries he did NOT call out or if he did I missed it are former Soviet and eastern bloc countries who are receiving American support. In,my considered opinion he should have as these are among the worst abusers of America. With that said this isn't surprising as Trump's actual policies toward Russia have been far tougher toward Russia than those of his predecessor.

Roger Smith said...

SK and NK. What has been done? Little so far. Talk gets some credit but not a peace prize despite the 2009 award. The Big Nothing.
My own choice is Ethiopia and Eritrea. Now there is some REAL pride swallowing and realism, in my opinion. Especially in view of how long there has been a hostile environment between those two.
Poster, your last sentence of your first post says it all concerning the prior occupant of the White House. An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance.
And like yours my observation also was that Kim did indeed feel the heat from Trump and quickly. A little face saving bluster supported by no one and he was done. Now for the details. If NK and SK sign a meaningful treaty and do away with unnecessary weapons that will be momentous. And hopefully start a momentum for more countries to emulate. Of course we all know who will try to say he started the whole thing needs a little levity now and then. One can't be serious all day long. Besides, he's fairly harmless, indeed laughable, in the face of our current economy and the dim-0-crats' crumbling anti-Kavanuagh campaign.

Purpleslog said...

This can wait another year for this to play out in the Koreas. No rush here.

Anonymous said...

Remember the time when Obama got the Nobel peace prize and the press just loved it? Here a reminder:

"The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".

Remember how international diplomacy got so great between Putin and Obama that Putin called him a child and moron? Remember how all wars ended under Obama (oh, sorry Afghanistan and a few other places not getting less bombing but more bombing under Obama)

Also, remember how Obama stopped North Korea from getting the bomb and making the world a safer place? good times, great achievement! SO much winning.. oh no wait.. Obama left it to Trump and even told him this will be his "greatest concern".. but leading from behind, f yeah!

Oh and remember how Israeli and American ties strengthened under Obama? Yeah right.. ask Netanyahu.. even New York Times had this article:

So yeah, Nobel Peace Prize is a sham, unfortunately.. the most important of all prizes

Oh, also drone strikes increased multifold under Obama.. and while I am pro-droning, I don't think it's really the right thing for a nobel peace prize recipient^^

fazman said...

Kim thought he was dealing with a president like Obama who would have capitulated to Kims threats with concessions. Kim and his,advisors did not know how to respond when they were insulted, and told bring it on.
Kim is a much a pain in the ass for China as anyone else and Putin has no stomach for a confrontation with the west as his economy can't wear it,and his military is in no position to fight a war away from his border as,opposed to a police action /weapons proving ground like syria.

fazman said...

Exactly ;)

jac said...

We can expect any surprise since Obama received the Nobel Price before doing anything.

Hans Persson said...

I would not be surprised if they gave it to Obama again....

Anonymous said...

Obama didn't do anything for America it was all just smoke and mirrors. At least trump is doing something. Im no trump supporter because he is as ignorant as they get but be thankful hes not as slimy OR sneaky as Obama,Bush or Clinton.

fred said...

By all means let us dwell on the past and not deal with the posted subject...this peace prize has often been a joke but here it is used only about Obama, the obsession of some at this site, now some two years after O. is gone.
Hee are some recent winners, some of which I am sure you also hate, but none get mentioned in the Capt Ahab-like quest to harpoon our past president:
Ehe E.U., Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Arafat, IAEA, Gorbachev
come, lads, spread the hate

fred said...

The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to campaigners against rape in warfare Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege.

Anonymous said...

You have to deal with the past and learn from it and be able to tell a sham. That's why you remain a parrot

Anonymous said...

And why do you make it about hate? Can I not criticise what happened without being put in a box by you parrot? Go repeat your class thinking you learned by watching cnn you moron

Anonymous said...

The Eritrean and Ethiopian leaders should get the prize.

If the ACLU gets the prize it will confirm that the Noble committee are a bunch of jokers. After all those retards gave the prize to Obama on a hope. Obama had done nothing to earn it. In fact Obama did the exact opposite.

fred said...

Leon Lederman death: Nobel Prize-winning physicist dies aged 96 after being forced to sell medal for $765,000 to pay medical bills


Anonymous said...

Ever heard of a long term care policy?

Kind of hard to support someone with 7 years of 24/7 nursing care on the public dime.

"The nessesity of a surplus to complex societies."

To be a liberal is not be math deficient and not calculate the surplus we have, but to demand everything right the ____ now and figure out how to pay for it later.

The U.S. does not have an infinite surplus.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Carter (D)

Al Gore (D)

Obama (D)

There is a pattern here.

The Nobel Peace Prize is not about accomplishment so much as it is a popularity contest run by libtards.