Wednesday, October 17, 2018

World News Briefs -- October 17, 2018

Reuters: Trump says he doesn't want to abandon Riyadh in crisis over journalist

U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he does not want to walk away from Saudi Arabia despite concerns about a missing Saudi journalist, as pressure mounted on the kingdom to answer Turkish allegations he was killed in Istanbul.

“I do not want to do that,” Trump said in an interview on Fox Business Network when asked if the United States would walk away from its Gulf ally, reiterating his hopes that Saudi leaders were not involved in the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi.

Trump’s top diplomat Mike Pompeo meanwhile said Riyadh should be given a few more days to complete a probe into the disappearance of the veteran journalist, a prominent critic of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

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Turkish investigators enter Saudi consul's Istanbul residence.

US denies giving Saudis 'benefit of doubt' over Jamal Khashoggi case. Trump denies covering for Saudis, says truth out in days.

Iran stays quiet on Khashoggi case.

U.S. reliance on sanctions 'out of control': Iran foreign minister.

US envoy says Idlib deal 'freezes' Syria conflict.

UN Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura to step down from post.

Iranian security staff unconscious when kidnapped to Pakistan: Guards chief.

Palestinian rocket attack on Israeli city draws Gaza air strikes. Israel answers rocket fire with airstrikes on Gaza Strip.


Foreign soldiers wounded, civilians killed in suicide attack in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: Taliban kills 'renowned communist' days before elections.

Taliban attacks threaten Afghan parliamentary elections.

Fresh clashes in Kashmir after four killed in gunfight.

Tensions high in Kerala as Hindu temple opens gates to women.

Report: Kim Jong Un asked Pompeo to lift sanctions on North Korea.

South Korea rejects Yemeni asylum-seekers.

Taiwan to hold mass independence rally in challenge to Beijing.

Maldives leader accepts defeat despite court challenge.

Dissident Vietnamese blogger 'Mother Mushroom' released.


Cameroon conflict: Hundreds killed in recent violence.

AU calls for peace talks in Comoros.

Violence, militias and corruption: Surviving in Libya's war.

Congo accuses Angola of violent expulsions, Luanda denies.

Nigeria midwife murders: Brutal IS tactics rekindle new fears.

I. Coast ruling coalition on top in local polls: election body.

Nigerian politician Ibori loses appeal against UK graft conviction.

S.African court finds white farmers guilty of murdering black teen.


Crimea suicide attack kills multiple people: reports. Teenager kills 19 in Crimea college shooting: Russian officials.

Theresa May: Brexit deal possible with intensive work.

Germany preparing for no deal on Brexit, says Merkel.

Suspect package sparks brief security alert near UK parliament.

Greek PM vows to 'safeguard' deal with Macedonia amid government turmoil.

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias resigns over Macedonia.

Exclusive: Russian high tech project flounders after U.S. sanctions.


Trump threatens to end aid to 3 countries if citizens enter US illegally.

U.S. official charged with leaking in connection with Russia probe.

Hurricane Michael: Death toll continues to rise amid searches.

Brazil police ask state prosecutor to charge President Temer.

In Colombia, a new generation of drug traffickers means more farmers are growing coca.

Canada becomes 2nd nation to legalize recreational marijuana.

Venezuela crisis hits food markets and a morgue.


DoD knows future terror groups will seek to copy ISIS, turn social media into a weapon.

Germany probes Islamist motive in Cologne attack.

ISIS fighting to the death in Syria, frustrating US-backed final offensive.


US 'world's most competitive economy' according to World Economic Forum report.

Chinese search firm Baidu joins global AI ethics body.

US moves to negotiate trade deals with Japan, UK, EU.


fred said...

Pompeo: Saudis didn't want to discuss 'any of the facts' in Khashoggi disappearance

Anonymous said...

Koshoggi was outed by the German intel agencies as a grade A dirt bag. Why Bezos wanted him on salary is beyond my limited intelligence.
He is no different than a mafia guy who leaves the gang, then the gang comes for him.

Why is the media taking everything Erodgan says at face value? Why doesn't he media report Koshoggi's dodgy past?
Why the 24x7 reporting on it?

This appears to be an orchestrated campaign by the Dems, their flunkies in the media and foreign governments.

And finally why give a rip about Koshoggi?

fred said...

you lose your arguement when you blame the Dems when in fact we now see the elected GOP at long last going against Trump on this issue...there comes a time when the Dems will also be seen as responsible for hurricanes and storm surges.

Saudi journalist Jamal Koshoggi is the nephew of Adnan Koshoggi, the middle man and arms dealer for the Iran-Contra Affair. He is also related to Dodi Fayed, who died with Princess Diana while in a relationship with her.
that he has a questionable past is hardly the point of the entire affair
as for why give a hoot: well Trump seems very concerned, so too journalists, and the Saudi govt

Anonymous said...

I agree it's a bit weird that we take what Turkey/Erdogan say at face value. And the synchronised, constant reporting on this guy is also a bit suspect. Having said that, I would not be surprised if Saudi Arabia did kill him. What does surprise me, however, is the amateurish execution of this job.
They must have known that cameras would show him entering but not leaving. Why send 15 people for an interrogation? They must have expected the he'd write about it. So, several things don't add up.. but we have one streamlined narrative on this..

Anonymous said...

The Dems /the DNC have been proven to be an irresponsible party over and over again.
Election manipulation @ town hall questions and Bernie Sanders outing/Clinton favoritism ring a bell? Or did you already forget out of convenience how the dems basically showed the finger to the democratic election process? A sham party that aligns itself with mob justice maxine waters. No thank you, Fred. Your opinion counts for nothing until you parrot wake up

Matthew Putnam said...

Oh Fred! :( Look at you losing your composure and falling from your high horse face first in the mud, calling people names and attacking others. You have had a lot to say about others who do that, but the infallible Fred is exempt from this in his little bubble. "You lose your argument" when you start spewing your leftist emotional cunt froth at everyone. You also look like a hypocritical douchebag when you criticize others from a moral high ground then proceed to do the very same thing that you were criticizing others of. Sit the fuck down, child.

fred said...


I do not need you acting like a grade school teacher to teach me how to talk or to chastise me for your own peculiar needs.

I asked that comments be decent, civil, and deal with the subject and NOT aimed at me. That having failed, I will go
low as you
, in your comment, have gone...and so, Matthew, go fuck yourself too. Don't like it? Then stop dishing it out or stop responding.

Anonymous said...

Matthew, have you learned nothing? When lefties spew hatred it's OK because they're glorious patriots who can never do wrong and the end (gaining power)justifies all means. Fred just does what he learns on cnn.

Anonymous said...

Leave him alone..he truly doesn't know better and CNN reeducation programming just made him a tool. He's a parrot and always will be, I'm afraid. He will never see nor grasp the hypocrisy he's involved in on a daily basis. By the way, my comment was absolutely true @ DNC. But if you speak truth, the left will hunt you down. Never speak the truth at your workplace or they will try to get you fired, will try to make it impossible for you to earn money and support your family. They want you to go away and die in darkness for opposing their righteous claim to power. Truly scary stuff, but people are waking up and I truly hope the midterms will be payback for their lynch mob mentality and hatred for dissenting thinkers.