Sunday, November 4, 2018

A Look At How Saudi Crown Prince Salman Crushed His Rivals

Ritz-Carlton Saudi Arabia

NBC: How a Saudi royal crushed his rivals in a 'shakedown' at the Ritz-Carlton

Royals and others held at the luxury hotel after a Nov. 4, 2017, roundup were subjected to extortion, psychological abuse and torture, U.S. officials say.

WASHINGTON — The Ritz-Carlton in Saudi Arabia's capital bills itself as an "elegant oasis" that "completely envelops its discerning guests in majestic surroundings."

But a year ago Sunday, on Nov. 4, 2017, the ultra-luxurious Riyadh hotel — with its marble floors and vast indoor swimming pool — became a gilded prison, when hundreds of Saudi royals, billionaires and senior government officials were detained in an extraordinary power play by the heir to the throne, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

The involuntary guests were told they had to sign away large chunks of their assets to be released. The detention involved both psychological abuse and — in some cases — torture, current and former U.S. officials say.

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WNU Editor: There is no rule of law in Saudi Arabia. It all comes down to what the Crown Prince (and now future King) Salman wants.


Anonymous said...

One man rule is still rules. If nothing else the rules are those of monkey politics. Maybe they are extreme monkey politics, homo sapiens version, but they exist.

Suppose Germany had won WW2. Does this mean that Der Fuhrer would have won, lived long and prospered? Well other than for syphilis.

No chances were at least 30% that Himmler would have retired him. There are always rules and sometime they come down to monkey politics.

When there are rules such as the proverbial 12 tablets or a constitution, monkeys can alway bowdlerize or butcher them such as when people misrepresent the 14th Amendment. It was meant to protect former slaves and their descendants. Period. Full Stop! I don't remember any discussion in the 1860s about illegal immigration in the adoption of the 14th Amendment.

What was going on in the 1860s? The Civil War Reconstruction, The Democrat Army called the KKK.

Somehow Democrats can read all sorts of things in the constitution via penumbras, emanations, and conundrums.

Point is when you have written laws a person or persons can make a severe hash of it, where the rule of law is a joke.

Just like it is not who votes that matters, but who counts the votes. It matters who interprets the law. Like the notorious RBG.

For instance, you can have a person charge for kicking a woman's womb and charge the person with murder. Or that woman can go to a butcher and have the baby vacuumed out and it is not murder. That is a conundrum. AI should be able to follow logic and determine what is lawful and what is not, but it can't because the rule of law is a joke in places that are not Saudi Arabia.

Justice in America has more in common with the psychology behind the Nika riots.

Who else but liberals could come up with this shit?

jimbrown said...

They're not crushed.

The Saudi Civil War is coming.