Sunday, November 11, 2018

According To Opinion olls In France, French President Macron Is Deeply Unpopular

Guillaume Durocher, The Unz Review: France: The Incredible Shrinking President

Macron’s Popularity Collapses While Interior Minister Predicts Civil War

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Emmanuel Macron, the current president of the French Republic, is a weird dude. Now, after just 18 months in power, he is also a very unpopular dude. The French media have been making much of the fact that Macron’s prime minister, Édouard Philippe, has been slightly more popular than the president in certain polls. But really, what we are seeing is an almost perfect parallel collapse in popularity of both personalities.

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WNU Editor: French President Macron can take solace that he is at least more popular than the very unpopular former French President and Socialist Hollande. But he is far behind those who are advocating a more populist and nationalist approach .... EU Populists In France, Hungary And Italy Continue To Surge In Polls; Le Pen Overtakes Macron (Zero Hedge)


Anonymous said...

So the fool, Macron, thought he get buoyed up in the polls with his knee pat of Trump.

The opposite will happen.

The French hate the Euro-trash immigration policy; they like Trump.

The French do not like colored people, who speak French, give their kids French 1st names, work, and do not cause problems. I know of this.

And here Macron thinks he is going to implement the Eurotrash policy and counteract it negative effect on polls by trying to treat Trump like dirt.

It is going to back fire.

Macron, the person who marries grandma, will wish he had Hollande's poll numbers.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to France.