Saturday, November 3, 2018

Are Russia And China Under The Impression That War With The U.S. Is Coming?

Donald Trump, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. ABS-CBN

Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream: Russia And China Are Apparently Both Under The Impression That War With The US Is Coming...

Could it be possible that the U.S. is heading for a major war? If you ask most Americans that question, they will look at you like you are crazy. For most people in this country, war with either Russia or China is not something to even be remotely concerned about. But the Russians and the Chinese both see things very differently. As you will see below, Russia and China both seem to be under the impression that war with the United States is coming, and they are both rapidly preparing for such a conflict.

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WNU Editor: There is a lot of Russian TV and Kremlin rhetoric on war, but if Russia was preparing for war they would not be cutting their defense budget .... Russian Defense Spending Falls By Twenty Percent (May 2, 2018). And when it comes to my family and many friends in Russia .... no one is talking about war. What concerns me is China. They are increasing their defense budget, and they are threatening to use their military to enforce their territorial claims. But what concerns me is that most people that I know in China are very comfortable with the idea of China using its military to advance Chinese interests. To say that this is uncharted territory with the Chinese is an understatement.


Anonymous said...

Asia and the global south have grown tired of American lead gangster imperialism, aggression and mass murder.

The future belongs to Asia, they can't f%$k up any worse than the UK or America have. The World Island is in the East and it's up to them to set their vision of the future. Fat a$$ Trump or the ineffectual Obama have only hastened
America's terminal decline.

Anonymous said...

Ni hao anonymous

Anonymous said...

Ann #1 aka clueless.

It would have been so much easier to let the Japanese have at you more than they did.

Instead the US moved heaven and earth.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the Aluminum road.

Let you figure out that one.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tương lai thuộc về người châu Á

Jac said...

I agree with you and the Chinese's feel confident because they have a strong ally: the tyranny of the distance. If they reach their goal quickly, they will win, making a "fait accompli", if not they will face very big problems.

Anonymous said...

Tương lai thuộc về người châu Á

"The future belongs to Asians"

Which is why China is kicking Vietnam's butt around?

Anonymous said...

King Hammurabi would never have let this shit pass.

Tương lai thuộc về người châu Á ?????????

Anonymous said...

Actually color me scared.

I would hate to think I would get buried by one of those monstrosities.

Anonymous said...


Falling 4 stories and getting buried alive by wet concrete. We can only hope the impact killed them and they did not smother to death.