Thursday, November 1, 2018

China Exports Its 'Great Internet Firewall' To Dozens Of Countries

CNN: China is exporting the Great Firewall as internet freedom declines around the world

Speaking before an elite audience in Washington in March 2000, then US President Bill Clinton summarized much of Western thinking on the internet when he hailed a new century in which "liberty will be spread by cell phone and cable modem."

This would occur, Clinton said, despite the efforts of countries like China to fight the spread of information.

"Now there's no question China has been trying to crack down on the internet," Clinton said, his eyebrows arched as he neared the punchline. "Good luck! That's sort of like trying to nail jello to the wall."

In the decades since that speech, Clinton's jello comment has become a something of a dark joke among internet freedom advocates, as China continued to build up the Great Firewall, the world's most sophisticated system for controlling and surveilling the web.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Report is here ..... Freedom on the Net: The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism (Freedom On The Net 2018).

More News On The Decline Of Internet Freedom Worldwide

Chinese-style 'digital authoritarianism' grows globally: study -- France 24
China exports its restrictive internet policies to dozens of countries: report -- Reuters
China's Internet Censorship Is Influencing Digital Repression Around the World, Report Warns -- Time
Democracy under threat by Chinese-style 'digital authoritarianism' -- Telegraph
China is exporting its digital surveillance methods to African governments -- Quartz


Anonymous said...

The articles speaks towards China, but more needs to be written about the crack down on conservative political thought by corporations such as Twitter, Google, and facebook.

Anonymous said...

Trump team plays "Time is on my side", "You could be mine", and "Candle in the wind" -- check the lyrics - he trolls on so many levels, it's just delicious :P If you cannot appreciate Trump, you have no intellectual honesty or integrity left

watch campaign rally Missouri - right now:

Anonymous said...

Yeah ANON @9:20... corporations aren't out to make as much money as possible.

They exist to punish "conservative political thought". JFC.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 9:54: Another anon here but chiming in -- I think above poster is correct; try the following: create 2 accounts for Twitter; post something Don Lemon said "white people are the problem" and post something Tucker Carlson says "we need to secure our borders". The latter will be blocked from speaking - you know why? Because people flag the content as inappropriate - lefties do not define free speech as in free speech for everyone, only free speech for those they do not disagree with -- republicans don't think so and cannot even understand this. To them, what Don Lemon said is racist,because if you were to exchange the word white for black it would be outrageous to say, right? Try it. Be intellectually honest and see what happens. I did the experiment myself. Takes about 60 minutes for each account (you need to interact with other people on Twitter though, so they can see both tweets, cannot just sit still).. enjoy to be woken // or as in the Matrix: "Buckle up your seat-belt, Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye". Once you see it, it cannot be unseen.

Anonymous said...

People go into business for profit. Carnegie, Rockefeller, Bezos, Gates.

Go sell your GOP BUTTHURT somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 9:54

So, to answer your sarcastic statement Anon. In order to make more money, the lobby political officials and push their campaigns. Those officials in return make the operating environment less hostile for these large corporations. As of right now, this means limiting competition. The political left is more willing to enact said policies.

This is combined with the general left leaning nature of silicon valley. As well as the college campuses from which many of their employees are recruited. This means that left wing causes are generally considered as moral boosters as far as management is concerned.

While I doubt that you will read this, I hope that it will give a little bit of context as to what is happening.

Anonymous said...

Hey dipsh$%t at 10:20... The GOP has control of all branches of the federal gov't and their own state-run media channel.

Where the f#$k does the "political left" enter into the picture. They have no power as of today to pass legislation.

"Silicon Valley" strives to make as much as money as possible. Did you attend college? The college I graduated from and the places I visited are full of drunken dips#ts who lived to get drunk, high and laid. That's what you do at college.

I read your dumb post and it makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:40

Calm down there friend.

Just trying to have civil discourse. However, I see that you are incapable of have a calm discussion on the internet.

Also for your information. I have a Masters in Electronic Engineering. Just because you did nothing worthwhile at your educational institution doesn't mean the rest of us haven't.

moving on, Political alliances shift slowly. The Democrats were in control for many years. Many people expected Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election. Many still expect the Democrats to retake one or more chambers of congress.

As for media coverage, My friend have you seen the studies on the subject? Conservatively speaking, 70+% of TV media covers the current administration negatively.

Please calm down. Or don't.

Anonymous said...

Love watching this. I'm from Europe and to me it's so obvious that the Democrats have completely gone nuts..

Ten or even five years ago the tea-party on the right was seen as, well, slightly bigoted in my country (we watch a lot of American TV here in original tone /without translation).

But we get it now ..the same things (mass immigration and rise in crime are all happening here because we didn't close the borders) and are all cheering on the Republicans who seem to be the voice of reason this election cycle.

I hope everyone stays civil and just votes... Go out and vote, don't attack each other and don't reason with Democrats at this point. If they haven't woken up by now, the best way to wake them up is with election results that make 2016 look like nothing. Use your energy to motivate fellow republicans to vote...Volunteer. Go make Trump proud. I've never seen a president challenge and improve the US to critically think -no matter how controversial the topic - despite these vicious slander attacks and calling him evil 24/7. Good for him. And man, I wish I was American now. This is the America we all in the world love .. booming economy. Calling out adversaries (China, Iran,Russia, North Korea) like never before, making trade deals left and right and kicking ass all - while having fun. Remember having fun? In Europe we look at your political correctness nightmarish culture and think: what happened to you guys? You have to constantly watch what you say. .but finally free speech and free thought is being restored. And the left cannot see it, comprehend it, let alone appreciate it . If you see it and like it and want unity and the American dream for everyone, every race in your country and be again the envy of the world, vote republican. If you want ten bathroom stalls and be a bit of a laughing stock, vote blue.

That's my 2 cents on this. I'll definitely watch - the whole world watches. Democracy has never been that exciting and DJT is making it happen. Popcorn for everyone! !!!

Philoctes said...

The Chinese firewall is a bit hyped. I know a number of folks in that country who skirt the firewall with a decent VPN...
Oddly, skimming the rancorous remarks above recall that it is the GOP that dislikes regulations, and so, capitalism without many regulations can allow this or that company to do as it wants...why argue otherwise if you support capitalism and a regulation-free market?
tip: avoid tv news and social media and read decent journals and many decent papers

Roger Smith said...

anon 10:40PM,

I had a student job between classes and after,and I also took classes and studied for them.

It appears things were different when I attended college.

Your boring fellow poster, Roger

Anonymous said...

No Fred commenting here.

Figures. No holy of holies was threatened.