Sunday, November 18, 2018

China Goes All-Out To Steal U.S. Technology Secrets

L.A. Times: China ‘has taken the gloves off’ in its thefts of U.S. technology secrets

It was the great microchip heist — a stunning Chinese-backed effort that pilfered as much as $8.75 billion in patented American technology.

U.S. officials say the theft took a year to pull off and involved commercial spies, a Chinese-backed company, a Taiwanese chipmaker and employees affiliated with Micron Technology, a U.S.-based microchip behemoth.

Yet what Micron called “one of the boldest schemes of commercial espionage in recent times” is most notable because it’s not unusual.

Beijing over the last two years has significantly ramped up its swiping of commercial technology and intellectual property, from jet engines to genetically modified rice, as U.S. relations with China have grown more acrimonious under President Trump, according to U.S. officials and security experts.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: China has never "taken its gloves off" to steal U.S. technology secrets, because they have always been off.


Jac said...

What our cyber-security is doing? If we are not doing cyber damage to China, the game will never stop.

Anonymous said...

But Russia

... But Russia

.... But Russia

...............But Russia. I was told by the DNC and presstitutes to say "But Russia" and forget about China

Lament of a Libtard

Anonymous said...

get over one ever said China was not also involved in our affairs...In fact what the Dems were saying is that Russia involved in our elections--note how many indictments and guilty pleas...So put aside silly bias and recognize that China has long been involved in stealing commercial stuff via cyber short: read for a change

Mike Feldhake said...

I think the real story here is the ambivalence our government has shown on this issue. Trump has at least started a trade war but this is not a story or topic amoug congressional body or the MSM.

Anonymous said...

I do read motherfucker.

China has been involved in our elections since the 1990s when they were dumping cash into the DNC and the Clinton Gore campaign.

I see both Russia and China as threats.

I fail to see the humor in CNN and the 'other trash' talking about how small Facebook buys influenced the election.

The Democrat Party routinely steals that many votes. The Russians could not hope to compete.

I have yet to meet someone who said: "I saw a Russian Facebook ad and I changed 'mah' vote because of it"

I am not over it. The Trash News Media has blown up whatever the Russians were doing way more than the Chinese influence in the 1990s and whatever they are doing now.

If a story sucks all the oxygen up, then other news stories by design and of necessity do not get the attention they deserve. That is what the fuck MSM has done.

That is what the SM routinely does. It does not weight stories objectively or appropriately. It takes a few that they want for the narrative that they are pushing for the day and highlight those to the exclusion of practically all else.

You get over your self. You are a very stupid person. Grow The FU!

Anonymous said...

For Anon 750:

But Russia

... But Russia

.... But Russia

...............But Russia. I was told by the DNC and presstitutes to say "But Russia" and forget about China

Anonymous said...

Russia, Iran, China intefere or try to with our elections. Who has thus far been indicted by Mueller team? and what has our intel said over and over: Russia Russia Russia
now play trumpitude and pretend it is all China

Anonymous said...

Anon 1206

Did I say it is all China? I did not, moron.

I have said and do imply that China is the greater threat given the size of its military and economy. Coupled with the fact with how hard it spies on America and succeeds, I find that much more threatening than some Facebook adds.

That there is very little investigation of what happened in Senator Feinstein's office does not negate the fact that the Chinese were more successful than the Russian could ever dream of.

Mueller is man of little integrity. He is the moron that bungled the anthrax investigation.

From the Russian point of view, they are paying us back for Clinton sending his buddies over to Moscow in the early 1990s. How many (what percentage of) Russian voters were aware that Americans were assisting Yeltsin before they pulled the lever?

I knew who I wanted to vote for after Trump announced and Jeb Bush opened his pie hole. A Facebook ad would not change my mind. It would change a libtard's or lizard's mind, but not mine.

Anonymous said...

Since Bill Clinton is into sexual assault and pedophilia, maybe Clinton's direct reports are into it, too.

Maybe the Russians should investigate how many Russian women were assaulted or how many Russian girls were deflowered by Clinton's cronies, when they were in Moscow.

If the statute of limitations are not up, We can see some American politicos indicted, tried, and convicted.

Anonymous said...

Mueller indicted and?

You can indict a ham sandwich.

January is going to come around and the Democrats will set up their 3 ring circus. It will be good for 2020. I have my popcorn.

The Russian babe was imprisoned and the prosecutors still have nothing.

I will take Trump over lolita flight Clinton who went to orgy island to molest young girls.

Talking about grabbing pussy off camera is nothing. Several of my classmates went through the motions of laying pipe while standing on the bleachers of the gym in front to several women and girls. I am not going to treat Trump any differently. I've been around too many males.

I won't treat Clinton any differently either. He belongs in jail for statutory rape.