Sunday, November 18, 2018

Chris Wallace's Exclusive 'Fox News Sunday' Interview With President Trump

FOX News: Trump, in exclusive interview, speaks on Acosta, reveals Obama's private guidance on greatest US threat

President Trump, speaking exclusively to Fox News' Chris Wallace in a wide-ranging interview, revealed what President Obama told him was the biggest challenge facing the U.S., discussed pending high-level departures from his administration and admitted that he occasionally enjoys calling on CNN reporter Jim Acosta.

"Actually I like to do it, but in many cases I don’t," Trump acknowledged. In ruling that the administration temporarily has to restore Acosta's White House access pass on Fifth Amendment due process grounds, federal judge Timothy J. Kelly noted that Trump could simply choose to ignore Acosta. (The judge, in his preliminary decision, did not rule on CNN's First Amendment claim.)

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WNU Editor: He is definitely becoming more comfortable in his role as President.


Anonymous said...

Our president seems increasingly growing very uncomfortable in his role...He has yet to visit our troops in a war zone...he stays away from memorial because it is raining. He insults friend and foe alike, daily. Losses of seats at midterm not unusual but to lose Orange County, Ca is a sure sign of of a guy who is costing his party a lot and will continue to destroy the GOP for a long time to come

Anonymous said...

“If you buy a box of cereal — you have a voter ID."


Anonymous said...

Obama visited the troops and bungled every operation he undertook from Libya to Afghanistan to Iraq and Syria.
Obama’s first midterm loses were historically bad in the House, Senate and Governorships. Not so with Trump as he gained seats in the Senate and held serve with Governors.

So Anon #1, benchmarks on Trump as just silly..

Anonymous said...

I back ANON 3:09 PM

Anonymous said...

The economy in awesome shape and jobs report great and so GOP should have handily won the House and yet they got trounced! Look at Orange County, the seat of educated conservative votes for years...GOP wiped out there! No. the midterm was an indication of a failed president.

Anonymous said...

Trump Says He Was 'Fully Briefed' and Also 'Not Briefed Yet' But Either Way Saudi Crown Prince 'Absolutely' Not Involved Because Trump Knows 'Everything That Went On' Without Listening to Tape of Khashoggi Murder

Trump on Friday: "I've been fully briefed" but Crown Prince "absolutely" not involved. CIA, via Washington Post, later on Friday: Crown Prince definitely involved. Trump on Saturday: "We haven't been briefed yet."
[Is this a total liar or low IQ babbler? For sure: incompetent

Anonymous said...

Finnish president denies ever discussing ‘raking’ with Trump

Anonymous said...

NPC #orangemanbad

Anonymous said...

Poor poor Chase...not at all our gun deaths with the rest of the developed world...and yes, the Pentagon and our science people note that global warming is bring stronger storms and rising sea levels...but you foam at the mouth, a true Deplorable, and think you are cute. You are not. You are silly.