Saturday, November 17, 2018

Editor's Note

Lost power in my chalet last night (just came back on right now). And it is a good thing too. It is going down to -15C tonight. The joys of living in the woods in the Laurentians of Quebec. Blogging will be light tonight, but it will return tomorrow.


Roger Smith said...

Living in the woods. That sentence has more meaning as of late. How's the brush and forest debris situation up north?

War News Updates Editor said...


We do not have the drought situation that California has. I do have a lot of brush and forest debris, but it is not a danger. If it was to ever become a danger, I would clear all vegetation withing 100 yards of my chalet, and because I am on a lake. I would have the pumps working 24/7 to soak everything around me.

My brother lives in San Mateo (for those who may not know, San Mateo is south of San Francisco). He has never seen anything like this.

Anonymous said...

American Indians used to conduct controlled burns.

Americans used to conduct controlled burns.

Then came the mental ones, the environmentalists and they insist in making the forest virgin.

The forest has not been virgin in 13 thousand years.

That is one of the biggest problems.

Anonymous said...

Can you get geothermal installed, where you are?

War News Updates Editor said...

Geothermal is feasible, but I like my fireplace.

Anonymous said...

You turn down the geothermal and "run" the fireplace, when you want.

Your fireplace will not protect the pipes from freezing, but the geothermal will.

Plus geothermal makes you independent of the government taxation, assistance, and control and is a 'no no'.

It would make you a maverick.