Thursday, November 1, 2018

Is Heather Nauert President Trump's Choice For UN Ambassador?

Reuters: Trump considering U.S. State Department spokeswoman for U.N. ambassador

President Donald Trump on Thursday said he was seriously considering naming U.S. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert to succeed Nikki Haley as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, adding he would make a decision on the posting soon.

“She is under very serious consideration,” Trump told reporters at the White House after announcing planned changes to U.S. immigration policy. “She’s excellent. She’s been with us for a very long time. She’s been a supporter for a long time ... We’ll probably make a decision next week.”

ABC News reported on Thursday that Nauert was offered the job, citing an unnamed senior White House official. Fox News Channel also reported Nauert had been asked to take it on.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: President Trump is denying these reports .... Trump denies offering UN ambassador job to Heather Nauert (Washington Examiner). It looks like someone spoke too soon.

More News On Reports That Heather Nauert Is President Trump's Choice For UN Ambassador

Trump says State spokeswoman might be next UN ambassador -- AP
Trump considering U.S. State Department spokeswoman for U.N. ambassador -- Reuters
Trump: Nauert 'under very serious consideration' for UN ambassador -- The Hill
Trump taps State Department spokeswoman and former Fox News anchor Heather Nauert to succeed Nikki Haley as UN ambassador -- Daily Mail
Heather Nauert is Trump's top choice for UN ambassador -- CNN


Anonymous said...

Seems a good choice and she has been vetted by Fox Human Resource Director

Anonymous said...

She's on TEEVEE and maybe Trump can bang her. Perfect choice.

Enjoy your MAGA rubes.

Hans Persson said...

Perfect example of an simple minded "progressive" on that comment..

Anonymous said...

Sure thing rube.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to spot Democrats. They're either screaming, in a mob, or insult you/call you XYZ...sometimes all things at the same time. Stay classy guys and vote..

Anonymous said...

The young woman has said that if she does not accept the position, her cleaning lady would make a good 2nd choice