Wednesday, November 28, 2018

President Trump's Lawyers Know What The Mueller Counsel Is Doing

Boston Globe/New York Times: Manafort lawyer is said to have briefed Trump attorneys

WASHINGTON — A lawyer for Paul Manafort, the president’s onetime campaign chairman, repeatedly briefed President Trump’s lawyers on his client’s discussions with federal investigators after Manafort agreed to cooperate with the special counsel, according to one of Trump’s lawyers and two other people familiar with the conversations.

The arrangement was highly unusual and inflamed tensions with Mueller’s office when prosecutors discovered it after Manafort began cooperating two months ago, the people said. Some legal specialists speculated it was a bid by Manafort for a presidential pardon even as he worked with the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, in hopes of a lighter sentence.

Read more ....

Update: Manafort plea decision represents setback for Mueller (The Hill)

WNU Editor: I have been told that in the U.S. joint defense agreements are nothing new .... so this announcement of a joint defense agreement between Trump's lawyers and Manafort's news is not really news. But what is news is that we now know that Manafort's lawyers are telling President Trump's lawyers that the Mueller Counsel is trying to force their client to lie in his testimony. No wonder the Mueller counsel quickly stepped-up this weekend accusing Paul Manafort of breaking his plea deal. They have been exposed .... and to put it bluntly .... it looks like they have nothing on President Trump .... and definitely nothing on Russian collusion. I call this criminalizing politics .... something that President Trump is now pointing out .... Trump lashes out at Mueller probe: 'our Joe McCarthy era' (AFP)


RussInSoCal said...

I’m hearing a loud, deflating-balloon sound.



fred said...

Robert Mueller's Russia probe looks like it's speeding up, and could lead to big indictments soon

Anonymous said...

A matter of purely personal curiosity, were you born the way you are or did you work at it?

Anonymous said...

Assange is Australian right?

Anonymous said...

Indeed he was

fred said...

We continue not to know much. We know that Manafort lied. Why would he lie if he had a deal that would have cut his sentence considerably? Ok. He perhaps lied to give info, insights, to Trump's lawyers and, in exchange, expected a full pardon. What we can also consider: Mueller now does not have to make his report and have it discarded or kept from public by GOP but instead can go to open court to ask for sentence for Manafort, and in so doing, make public that which might otherwise have been kept from the public.

Anonymous said...

Ah Lapides,
It's innate not learned, thank you for your response and I must say you never disappoint!

Mike Feldhake said...

All this back and forth; isn't strange we have not heard anything like a smoking gun?? I mean really!? In this day in age it is not possible to keep a bombshell a secret; we would have heard something by now.

All the probe is is a conversational wedge issue the Dems can speak about to keep alive their base. This is ALL political theater of absurd degrees. Unfortunately, too many people are trapped into believing this garbage.

And Hillary is still not in jail and Clintons are skate free with the Play-To-Play scheme which has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt. Oh well, all is normal.

fred said...

the GOP controls House, senate, white house...Hillary has done nothing to indict her for or she would be charged.
sorry they can not meet your deadline but I am sure Mueller report will soon be forthcoming. You will have to be patient a bit more. They work at their schedule and not at yours

Anonymous said...

Patience!?! Such as type you have displayed!?!? How do you know Hillary has done nothing wrong? How long should we wait, till the second coming? You insinuate, you repeat hearsay, then wrap yourself in the cloak of false virtue, but you fool no one and I shall always be waiting for you..... ALWAYS!

fred said...

dear heart
If Hillary has done something to send her to jail, it should be the House, the Senate, etc that jail her. Not me. They have not done so. Why is that after endless hearings that have cost millions? Why no indictment. Your answer?
I am not sure what you mean that you will be waiting for me. My dance card is filled.

fred said...

Dear restless anon:

Anonymous said...

Lol, maybe better luck in Montreal...

RussInSoCal said...

It is true that Democrats seldom face legal consequences for their criminal acts. HRC is guilty of (at the very least) criminal negligence in her handling of Egypt in general and Benghazi in particular. Obstruction of justice in her attempts to destroy thousands of incriminating emails by literally hammering to bits numerous phones, tablets and other devices which held them. Storing sensitive government data on a private server in Denver. Fraud and influence paddling in all aspects of the Clinton Foundation. Donors who include Saudi Arabia. Election tampering in her primary vs. Barry Sanders. name a few.

The problem is that Democrats do not prosecute Democrats. Especially highly placed ones. Democrats have populated the DOJ and Dept of State for years. The hypocrisies and selective applications of law by Democrats are legion.

Instead, Democrats pathologically pursue the manufactured Russia hoax. As a distraction from the largest scandal in US history: The abuses of power perpetrated by the Obama admin. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton make Richard Nixon look ethical.

It'll take awhile, but this will all come to light.



Anonymous said...

You will know. Just like the internet, I never forget. Oh, the Senate nor the House send people to as you know well.

Anonymous said...

I will ask a question so simple even you can answer: When will you quit lying?

Anonymous said...

We don't know that Manafort lied we only know that Mueller CLAIMS he lied. You go defend lawyers, Fred. You go do that. Why don't you also go wave a Russian and DNC flag together? Might as well

Anonymous said...

Little parrot. You'll never be an eagle in your life again if you keep believing the DNC and Hillary. You truly have been blinded, your wings are clipped and your beak looked better to. Shape up, man. Look how many times the DNC lied ..look what they did to Bernie ..they booted him for being Jewish. They pushed hillary on you and told you the chicken is not available. Take the fish you fool haha

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. If Mueller comes out and showcases all the abuses on the Democrat side - phony fisa, leaking, election manipulation by dona brazille and wasserman Schulz. ..All of this dirty dirty mess. .then we know justice is being restored. Everything short of that and Washington remains the swamp in which you LITERALLY can form mobs and use intimidation tactics and say"civility can be restored once we are back in power" sickens me that Hillary still gets away and people are so dumb to pay money to listen to her gas on