Friday, November 2, 2018

Russia Has Blocked The Release Of The Film 'Hunter Killer'

Daily Mail: Russia blocks the release of Gerard Butler's 'Hunter Killer' film because it shows Kremlin leader being deposed and kidnapped before being rescued by American soldiers

* Hollywood blockbuster Hunter Killer was due to hit screens in Russia today
* Kremlin claimed producers had not provided a good enough copy for archive
* Critics say the Kremlin banned it because of its content

Hollywood blockbuster Hunter Killer has been blocked from release in Russia just hours before its first screening.

Critics say the Kremlin banned it because it shows a Russian president being deposed and kidnapped in a coup before being rescued by American soldiers.

Moscow claimed the film's license was revoked because producers had not provided a good enough copy for its state archive.

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WNU Editor: It looks like it is a good movie (see trailer below). As for the movie going audience in Russia, it looks like they will have to download it from a pirate site on the web.


Anonymous said...

Streisand effect:

I didn't know about this movie. Now I may see it just to spite the censorship.

Anonymous said...

@WNU " it looks like they will have to download it from a pirate site on the web".

That's exactly what they'd do anyways in 99% of the time. So, all Putin did is show insecurity, lack of sense of humor, petty censorship - and, respectfully, a sense of rejection. Why not be rescued by an American? We wouldn't censor a movie in which Putin himself came to rescue DJT. Actually, that's what CNN broadcasts every day almost anyways :)

fazman said...

Actually they are about number four for box office receipts, this will hurt the studio, and yes it's,stupid decision in this age of downloads

Gadfly Speck said...

It wasn't as cheesy as I feared it might be. It was well paced, implausible, and didn't follow the usual Hollywood way of portraying America.