Thursday, November 1, 2018

Russia Imposes Sanctions On Ukraine's Elite

RFE: Russia Imposes Financial Sanctions On 322 Members Of Ukrainian Elite, 68 Entities

Russia has imposed sweeping financial sanctions on 322 members of the Ukrainian elite and 68 companies owned by prominent Ukrainian businessmen.

President Petro Poroshenko, whose son. Oleksiy, is among individuals targeted by the sanctions announced on November 1, likened Russian sanctions to badges of honor for Ukrainians and called on Moscow to return the Crimean Peninsula to Kyiv and withdraw from eastern Ukraine.

The Russian sanctions target a slew of prominent Ukrainians, including former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who has announced plans to run for the Ukrainian presidency in March 2019.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Russian President Poroshenko is not impressed .... Poroshenko Mocks Russian Sanctions (Euronews).

More News On Russia Imposing Sanctions On Ukraine's Elite

Russian sanctions freeze assets of Ukrainian top leaders, Poroshenko's son -- DW
Russia-Ukraine Ties Sour Further as Moscow Imposes Sanctions -- The New York Times
Russia imposes financial sanctions on Ukraine's political elite -- Reuters
Russia announces sanctions against senior Ukraine figures -- The Guardian
Russia imposes financial sanctions on Ukraine's political elite -- Euronews
Russia Imposes Sweeping Sanctions Against Ukrainian Elite -- Moscow Times
Russia’s countermeasures against Ukraine can be expanded -- TASS


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Anonymous said...

What a loser liar. Probably a sumerian