Friday, November 23, 2018

Spain Vows To Veto Brexit Deal Over Gibraltar

Daily Mail: Spain doubles down on threat to 'veto' Brexit over Gibraltar after rejecting EU compromise as Madrid official compares British rule over the Rock to the Soviets creating East Germany

* Spain threatening to vote against the Brexit deal without Gibraltar concessions
* Diplomats from Spain and Germany involved in angry exchanges on Tuesday
* Madrid says it must have a direct veto over any trade deal applying to the Rock
* Spain cannot veto the Brexit divorce on Sunday but Brussels will want unanimity
* Spain's PM yesterday vowed to 'veto Brexit' unless UK made urgent concessions

Spain doubled down on its threat to 'veto' Brexit today insisting an EU-brokered compromise was not enough.

Madrid is insisting the divorce deal is reopened to add new guarantees on Gibraltar, a British territory on the southern Spanish coast.

Britain has insisted there will be no concessions and Brussels has called for calm in a bid to stop the last minute flare up from botching Sunday's summit to seal the deal.

But Spanish government sources warned today: 'We don't have enough guarantees on Gibraltar and the future relationship with the EU, and our veto to the Brexit deal and the political declaration remains.'

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Brexit deal will probably fail without Spain's threats .... Is May's deal already sunk? Eighty nine Tories have already come out against it meaning she must find more than 90 votes from Brexiteer rebels, DUP and Labour to get it through the Commons (Daily Mail).

More News On Spain Vowing To Veto Brexit Deal Over Gibraltar

Spain threatens to veto Brexit agreement over Gibraltar -- Euronews
Spain accuses EU of ‘treacherous’ action on Gibraltar ahead of Brexit talks -- The Hill
Spain Criticizes ‘Treacherous’ Change Made to Brexit Text -- Bloomberg
Brexit: Will Spain's Gibraltar concerns crash on The Rock? -- Katya Adler, BBC
From unemployment to tobacco trafficking: Why Gibraltar is a Brexit red line for Spain -- Marta Rodriguez Martinez & Michael-Ross Fiorentino, Euronews


Anonymous said...

There was a war. Spain lost. Gibraltar is British. The End.

Dave Goldstein said...

Spain isn't going to get Gib back. Sorry.