Saturday, November 3, 2018

Starting In 2009 The CIA's Communications Suffered A Catastrophic Compromise That Lasted For 4 Years

The logo appears on the lobby floor of the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Va. Melanie Stetson Freeman/Staff/File

Yahoo News: The CIA's communications suffered a catastrophic compromise. It started in Iran.

In 2013, hundreds of CIA officers — many working nonstop for weeks — scrambled to contain a disaster of global proportions: a compromise of the agency’s internet-based covert communications system used to interact with its informants in dark corners around the world. Teams of CIA experts worked feverishly to take down and reconfigure the websites secretly used for these communications; others managed operations to quickly spirit assets to safety and oversaw other forms of triage.

“When this was going on, it was all that mattered,” said one former intelligence community official. The situation was “catastrophic,” said another former senior intelligence official.

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WNU Editor: This is as bad as it can get.


Anonymous said...

Obungles gets elected appoints his peeps and this happens.

Anonymous said...

That is NOT how our govt works. Stop showing ignorance.
30 spies dead after Iran cracked CIA comms network with, er, Google search – new claim
Uncle Sam's snoops got sloppy with online chat, it seems

Roger Smith said...

I read this article and remember a bit of this fiasco being in the press.
Reading the Yahoo article yesterday was quite a wake up call. Again.
Never underestimate one's adversaries.

Anonymous said...

Bungles was the Commander in Chief.

Bungles was holding the bag.

Bungles was the executive.

Bungles appointed Leon Panetta another bungler.

Bungles was too busy
- running guns into Mexico,
- killing the Tea Party using the IRS,
- expanding government into healthcare, gutting the military,
- kow-towing to everyone in the world

that he simply had no time to pay attention to the CIA or attend enough briefings.

But you cannot say that because that would be wascist!

It is not the skin color that is the problem. It is Bungles socialist upbringing and beliefs. Bungles had no game and still doesn't.

Anonymous said...

ok misfit: want to play the blame game since you do not know how govt works...think Trumpster dumped those guys in intel? and if not, why not? your taxes now, silly pay for this

That's rich! We gave £1billion aid to India as they built £330million statue

Britain gave more than £1billion to India as it was built the world's tallest statue
The Statue of Unity is almost twice the height of the Statue of Liberty in the US
The 597ft giant bronze monument has been condemned as a vanity project

Anonymous said...

Obama Stays on Trump, GOP: Why 'So Angry All the Time'? or snippy or dwelling in the past endlessly?



Anonymous said...

Why do you whine so much?

Anonymous said...

Once again a holy, Leon Panetta, was criticized.

Also a holy of holies, Obama, was criticized.

That elicited a string of angry responses by the cut & paste jockey. He is so put out the has not found anything to ogle.

What is so funny is that a leader usually knows all the initiatives, hardware, software, and people under their management.

Makes me wonder if Panetta just had a "show up" job.

Anonymous said...

Marc Thiessen: Why is Obama skipping more than half of his daily intelligence meetings?

Anonymous said...

Obama’s hypocrisy on intelligence briefings

Anonymous said...

We are now two years into TRUMP...wake up and tell us what trumpster has done to fix things? you love to pick on the past and ignore the present...ever wonder why?



Anonymous said...

President Trump has made 6,420 false or misleading claims over 649 days
washington Post Fact Check

Anonymous said...

Why do you whine so much?

Anonymous said...

"Obama’s hypocrisy on intelligence briefings"

If Obama is being a hypocrite, it means he is lying and and continuing to lie.

It is relevant. He is on the campaign trail for other Dims, so his track record is not ancient history. It is germane since he is endorsing people.

Still Phred of the PHoul tongue will complain.