Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Chinese Communist Government Is Targeting Young Marxists

Demonstrators hold banners in support of workers at the Jasic Technology factory in Shenzhen, in China's Guangdong province, on Aug. 6. Sue-Lin Wong/Reuters

NPR: In China, The Communist Party's Latest, Unlikely Target: Young Marxists

When he started at Beijing's Renmin University, one of China's best schools, a freshman scanned a list of student clubs and landed on the one that made him the most excited: Young Marxists.

"I'm from a working-class family in the countryside," he says. "Very few students with my background could have made it to my school. I liked that this group pays attention to the issues of workers and farmers, so I joined."

He was also interested in studying the works of 19th-century philosopher and economist Karl Marx; works that inspired the founders of China's Communist Party. Young Marxists aim to put the thinker's ideas into practice on Renmin University's campus.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I have mentioned it many times before. But when I read stories like the above one from NPR, I remember what my father (a former Soviet Communist official)once said to me when he moved to Canada .... "son .... there are more Communists in Canada than in the Soviet Union". I can say the same about China. The Chinese people I know are more interested in making money and a better life. The last thing on their minds is preaching Marxist ideology.


Matthew Putnam said...

The garbage leftists are bringing this disgusting, failed ideology to Europe and the US in force. Then they accuse you of being a fascist if you resist it, and publicly attack you with near impunity thanks to the PC/pro left/communist media agenda and culture. They run the public schools and universities and use this as a brainwashing pipeline to convert the young and impressionable into genuinely stupid academics and other professional useless people advocating socialism, intersectionality and anti white hatred.

Anonymous said...

I'd assume the Chinese party is afraid of Marxists because they could be trouble to their power. And, they'll likely fear the CIA targeting them for growth to start a homegrown resistance that could delegitimise them (the "communist" party, because arguably they have betrayed their populist roots and are just a capitalist plurocracy now).

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Well put. Which is why I assume that a lot of leftist activity in the US is Russia and/or Chinese funded (without the outrage activists even knowing it).

Anonymous said...

Chinese are normal.

They want the good life.

They want their kids to get good grades and get good jobs, etc...

They want Lake Woe Begone (Where everyone is above average), but without the liberal Garrison Keillor sexual assaulting.