Thursday, November 1, 2018

U.K. To Sell China ‘Unlimited’ Amount Of Military Radar Equipment And Technology

Britain to sell China ‘unlimited’ amount of military radar equipment, technology. AFP

SCMP: Britain to sell China ‘unlimited’ amount of military radar equipment, technology

* Special export licence approved in April, just weeks after British Prime Minister Theresa May visited Beijing
* Move comes amid closer exchanges between top radar scientists from China, Britain

A British defence company has been given the green light to supply an unlimited quantity of goods to China’s military, including airborne radar technology likely to be used by the PLA Air Force.

Although the supplier has not been named, the “open individual export licence” (OIEL) has been in place since April – two months after British Prime Minister Theresa May visited Beijing – according to information from Britain’s Department for International Trade.

Unlike previous deals involving British arms sales to China, which were capped by amount and value, under the new agreement the supplier can “export an unlimited quantity of goods”, including equipment, components, software and technology for military radar systems, the department said.

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WNU Editor: WTF?!?!?!?


Unknown said...

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Anonymous said...

Well this is one of those stories too preposterous to be true.

I go with Fake News.

Anonymous said...

The future belongs to the Asians. America is in terminal decline.

Anonymous said...

I mean, to be fair, who wants to buy British Radar Technology.

Still, this move seems really quite counter productive.

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