Saturday, November 3, 2018

Uproar On Twitter Over An NFL Cheerleader Taking A Knee During The Anthem

BBC: San Francisco 49ers cheerleader kneels for US anthem

A cheerleader for the San Francisco 49ers appeared to kneel during the US national anthem at an NFL game on Thursday, echoing recent player protests.

The woman, who has not been identified, was pictured kneeling before the team's game against the Oakland Raiders.

The 49ers are the former team of Colin Kaepernick, who knelt during the anthem as a protest back in 2016.

His aim was to highlight police brutality against African-Americans.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:  In the past I almost always watched an NFL game on Sunday. My down time in the afternoon or when I am making a big dish for supper. This year .... I have not even seen one game. Watching the game is not the same for me anymore.


Anonymous said...

I have said it once, and I will say it again.

A lot of people watch sports for escapism. If the world invades sports, escapism tends to die.

someone said...

In the past the idea of an american no matter how angry he/she/whatever was would decide to simply drop out of the singing of the national anthem would have been close to inconceivable.Today its no longer a sign that growing numbers of americans are no longer that devoted to the homeland.

Anonymous said...

‘Thursday Night Football’ Ratings Take Major Nosedive

The Left's brown thumb strikes again. It kills everything it touches

(economies, sports, escapism, family, leisure time, culture, civilization, ...).

Brown thumbs
Brown shirts

Not hard to figure out

fazman said...

Cheer leader on her knees, not like she needed the practice lol

Anonymous said...

If you do not like what you see then turn elsewhere

Anonymous said...

See the empty seats? I’d say more empty seats than butts in the stadium. The NFL league office progressives made the NFL what it is today. A sport with massive costs and a dying fan base. Can’t survive like that.

Roger Smith said...

Another unpleasantry added to the revelation of head trauma.

Bob Huntley said...

Hmmm. Half the people in the stadium see the flag is upside down. All see it parallel to the ground. Heck it could be touching the ground. The display itself is a violation of the rules governing respect for the flag. And so called patriots want to focus on the person(s) taking a knee? 'You have relatives now living in America?'

Anonymous said...

Can we start a go fund me for this poor girl...if you’re not a victim you ain’t livin!

CatholicDragoon said...

This just might turn into the Nika riots

Dave Goldstein said...

You don't see any knee taking in the MLB.

Herzog said...

The notion that liberals somehow are responsible for poor attendance at pro football is simply another piece of nonsense that anti-liberals swallow! Are conservatives responsible for great attendance at basketball games? Have you polled at the refresment stands?

Anonymous said...

"If you do not like what you see then turn elsewhere"
Excellent advice why haven't you taken it?

Bob Huntley said...


You played football too, eh?

fazman said...

I wonder when SNL will start the Alec Baldwin skits , or isn't assaulting the public funny enough for the lefties?

Anonymous said...

Don't expect most people to understand or want to try to understand the Nika riots.

The riots were put down by a prostitute(?)/thespian. Julian gave the order, but she steeled his nerve.

Taking a knee will mean more black people murdered by other black people. Sad by true. Police will engage in FIDO. People who are charge will be hit with even more charges which will stick. Remember the police have cameras.

I for one am tired of Democrats shooting people in the town square in broad daylight,

We cannot afford Democrat family values.

Anonymous said...

Nika riots should be de rigeur for psych students and others.

the more things change, the more they remain the same.

Anonymous said...

" Julian gave the order"
I didn't know it was Julian.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't there, but I think it was Justinian.