Thursday, November 1, 2018

U.S. And Turkey Have Started Joint Patrols In Syria After Yesterday's Turkish Strikes Against U.S. Allies

Reuters: Turkey starts joint patrols with U.S. troops in Syria but strikes U.S. allies

Turkish and U.S. troops began joint patrols in northern Syria on Thursday aimed at averting clashes between Turkey and Washington’s Kurdish allies, but Turkey pressed on with a new threatened offensive nearby to crush the Kurds.

Turkish military advances into northern Syria over the past two years have put U.S. forces directly in the path of advancing troops from Turkey, Washington’s main Muslim NATO ally.

The two countries have been working to avert direct confrontation, even as Turkey aims to crush the Kurdish YPG militia. The YPG forms the main part of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) that Washington backs with arms, air support and around 2,000 special forces troops on the ground in the fight against Islamic State.

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Update #1: US, Turkey to begin patrols around northern Syrian town (FOX News/AP)
Update #2: Turkey, US begin joint patrols in northern Syria's Manbij (Daily Sabah)

WNU Editor: These joint patrols follow on yesterday's talks between President Trump and Turkish President Erdogan .... Erdoğan, Trump discuss Syria, bilateral ties in phone call (Daily Sabah), and also yesterday's decision to suspend the military offensive against ISIS .... US-backed Syrian fighters halt anti-IS offensive after Turkey attacks Kurdish forces (DW). More here .... US-backed Syria force suspends anti-IS attacks after Turkey hits (AFP), and here .... SDF halts offensive against ISIS after Turkish attacks (RUDAW).

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