Wednesday, November 28, 2018

U.S. Says They Cannot Defeat ISIS Because They Are Hiding In Tunnels

Task & Purpose: US Military Says It Can’t Take Out Remaining ISIS Fighters Because They’re Hiding In Tunnels

As 2018 draws to a close, it is unclear if U.S. troops and their Arab-Kurdish allies have made a dent in ISIS’ last stronghold in Syria.

A spokesman for U.S. military operations in Iraq and Syria estimated in December 2017 that fewer than 3,000 ISIS fighters remained in both countries. Since then, defense officials have said consistently that roughly 2,000 ISIS fighters are trapped in Syria’s Middle Euphrates River Valley.

Army Capt. Sean Ryan, a spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve, repeated the 2,000 figure when briefing reporters on Tuesday. However, it is difficult to determine exactly how many ISIS fighters remain in their last enclave in Syria because they are dug in deeply and the terrain is difficult for combat operations, he said.

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WNU Editor:I guess going into the tunnels is not an option.


Anonymous said...

Uhmm there's several weapons for that challenge
1) MOABs - and aren't there a few left that have an expiration date and should be used soon? Like a dozen?
2) Thermobaric weapons like Russia uses

Hans Persson said...

Starve them out. This is getting silly.....

Anonymous said...

flood the tunnels. bomb the tunnels...fumigate the tunnels...etc etc but stop the lies as excuse

Roger Smith said...

We know they don't willingly eat dirt so I fail to see what the problem is here. They drive vehicles to go shopping and attacking things. These clowns are not invincible, we've all witnessed this. They drink water, we can find springs and seeps. They leave trails and have infared signatures.
The tunnels in Vietnam were eventually useless once we figured them out and figure them out we did; B-52's ruined their day, I've read.

adam said...

Thermobaric bombs just like in Afghanistan?

Unknown said...

Cmon... just hit em with flamethrowers and dynamite the entrances. Or bulldoze em. How do you think the marines got through the Pacific campaign?