Wednesday, November 21, 2018

U.S. Senators Condemn President Trump's Remarks On Saudi Arabia And The Murder Of Jamal Khashoggi

Daily Mail: Outraged Senate leaders from BOTH parties demand Trump say publicly whether crown prince ordered Khashoggi killing as President THANKS Saudis for keeping oil prices down

* Bipartisan group of senators demand Trump investigate whether Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the murder of Jamal Khashoggi
* GOP senators are criticizing president's statement defending Saudis and denying there's any certainty about MBS's involvement
* 'I never thought I'd see the day a White House would moonlight as a public relations firm for the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia,' said GOP Sen. Bob Corker
* Lindsey Graham, a staunch Trump ally: 'It is not in our national security interests to look the other way'
* Tulsi Gabbard (Democrat, Hawaii) called Trump 'Saudi Arabia's bitch'
* Trump issued a statement on Tuesday saying he'll stand by the Saudis because of hundreds of billions of dollars in defense spending the kingdom has promised

A bipartisan group of senators has written to President Donald Trump, asking him to investigate whether Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

The letter from Republican Sen. Bob Corker and Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez, the chair and ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, sets up a showdown between the White House and Capitol Hill.

It comes in the wake of Trump's statement Tuesday insisting there is no certainty bin Salman ordered the killing of the dissident journalist followed by his tweet thanking the Saudi for low oil prices.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Practicing realpolitik is never a popular choice.

More News On U.S. Senators Condemning President Trump's Remarks On Saudi Arabia And The Murder Of Jamal Khashoggi

Romney blasts Trump, Pompeo response to Saudis: 'Inconsistent' with 'American greatness' -- The Hill
Congressional Democrats call for cuts in U.S. support for Saudi Arabia -- Reuters
Senate Demands Answers On Khashoggi Murder After Trump Stands By Saudis -- Huffington Post
"I am astounded:" Sen. Corker compares White House statement to PR for Saudi Arabia -- KOMO News
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Brands Donald Trump As 'Saudi Arabia's Bitch' -- Huffington Post


Bloggernonster said...

WNU the US has been playing Realpolitiks for a loong time, they just use morale and ideological excuses for their actions.

RussInSoCal said...

The shrieking hypocrites, calling for a stiff-arm to Saudi, are purposefully ignoring the the strategic triad that exists between the US, Israel and SA. SA is oriented against Iran - an actual enemy. Israel (our friend and ally) is also aligned with SA, very much against Iran and enjoys similar equipment to SA. The US does business with both allies.

The Muslim Brotherhood fan and Bin Laden friend, Khashoggi just isn't worth destabilizing the entire middle east.

And I'll say again that their wasn't anywhere near this this much outrage over four murdered Americans - including a US Ambassador - in Benghazi in 2012.

I'll quote Hillary Clinton re: the Benghazi attack, "What difference, at this point does it make?!"

Anonymous said...

And Iran just sits back and laughs as the three stooges: DJT, MBS and Netanyahoo bumble, blunder, fail and flail away in some clownish attempt to derail the axis of resistance.

Hezbollah's missile stash grows buy the day and the settler colony can do nothing about it. Assad's not going anywhere, neither is Russia and ISIS is still festering away.

Whether it's Shrub 43, Obama or DEALS, US policy in Iraq and Syria the last two decades has been a colossal failure. That is unless you are retired member of the Nat Sec State getting rich lobbying or as a fixer doing weapons deals to the gulfies.

RussInSoCal said...

Anon 7:29

B Poster, is that you? LOL: "the bumbling, blundering flails and failures of Trump and Netanyahu". And, "Iran sits back and laughs." Neither one is the case.

Obama was clueless in dealing with either Israel or SA. Snubbing one and bowing to the other. Siding with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Appearing weak on the geopolitical stage by having Assad call his bluff, allowing Syria to fail.

Iran is definitely not "laughing". Their economy is tanking and their labor force is about revolt.

And a little Jew hate from you as well with that "Settler Colony" crack. Hamas' rockets are in finite supply. What's even more finite are standing structures in their little Hell Hole.

I'd say the "Axis of Resistance" has hit a wall.

Anonymous said...

No mention of Hezbollah, Russ? The major, legitimate, Shia power in Lebanon that kicked the settler-colonists out of south Lebanon. Do you think Netanyahoo is eager to be humiliated by their rain of missiles?

I ask because the dude is an arrogant schmuck who should be selling used cars instead of running the world's last apartheid state.

RussInSoCal said...

Hezbollah - same difference only they're in the fix of depending on the Iranian Mullahs. Bibi isn't humiliated. He just beat back a challenge. His only choice is to attack the rocket launch sites which are nearly always located in residential areas. Very unpopular decision no matter what.

And I don't know where you get that he's a schmuck/used car salesman. All through the Obama years he was the only adult in charge of a Western Democracy. He was always dignified.

Anonymous said...

He used a cartoon bomb prop straight out of Tom and Jerry at the UN in 2012 to sell the idea that Iran was days away from having a deliverable weapon.

1995: "The best estimates at this time place Iran between three and five years away from possessing the prerequisites required for the independent production of nuclear weapons." That is from his awful book.

It's late 2018. The guy is a charlatan. The only reason he stays in power is that he has dirt on everybody.

RussInSoCal said...

/Almost like J. Edgar Hoover.



Anonymous said...


A bomb is not that hard to make.

For separation you can use diffusion through a porous ceramic, a Klusius tube, centrifuges, etc. Just physical chemistry.

There is not a magical threshold for enrichment either. There is a broad range.

9:45 Please get on Jeopardy Game Show and buy a clue. That might get you within 5 light years of the truth.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 7:25

Thank you for making my point for me. I've stated on this blog many times that if Iran really wanted a working weapon, they'd have built by now. They don't want one. They have said that over and over.

If you want to get clued in it's not hard to google claim after claim made by Isreali's and neocons threating impending Iranian nuclear doom going back to the 1980s.

November 1992: "But the Israelis caution that a bigger threat to Middle East serenity -- not to mention their own country's security -- lies in Teheran, whose regime they say is sure to become a nuclear power in a few years unless stopped."

Source: New York Times, "Israel Focuses on the Threat Beyond the Arabs -- in Iran"

And so on and on.... or you can go play with your chemistry set.

Anonymous said...

Mexico 12
Afghanistan 8
Syria 7
India 5
Iraq 5
Somalia 4
Honduras 3
Pakistan 3
Philippines 3
Yemen 3
Nigeria 2
Russia 2
Turkey 2
Colombia 1
Denmark 1
Guatemala 1
Iran 1
Iraq/France 1
Maldives 1
Malta 1
Myanmar 1
South Sudan 1

So many real journalists die.

American presstitutes focus on their Muslim Brotherhood pet.