Thursday, November 22, 2018

Will World Leaders Avoid Saudi Crown Prince Salman At This Month's G20 Summit?

Saudi Arabian Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, right, attends the G20 Summit, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China, September 4, 2016. REUTERS/Mark Schiefelbein/Pool

The Guardian: Saudi prince's presence at G20 offers leaders a photo op to dread – will he go?

The outcry over arms sales, Khashoggi and Yemen is building – but will anyone at the summit in Argentina stand up to MBS?

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s scheduled appearance at the G20 summit next week in Buenos Aires presents world leaders with a moment of truth they would rather avoid.

Western powers such as the US, UK and France have been happy to keep up arms sales to Riyadh despite the carnage in Yemen and the threat of the worst famine the world has seen in a generation, for which Saudi Arabia bears heavy responsibility.

Even after the international outcry over the murder of the Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, that multi-billion dollar weapons trade has continued unabated.

However, being pictured with the crown prince in Argentina would be a political nightmare for most of the other leaders at the G20.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Presidents Trump/Putin/Xi will be in a photo-op with the Crown Prince. Everyone else will talk with the Crown Prince, but away from the cameras. They will only be photographed with the Crown Prince at the end of the summit when the group picture is taken.


Anonymous said...

Cnn and Cnn Turk (Cnn's Turkish branch) are aligned in calling Trump all kinds of names in order to advance Turkey's wish list in the aftermath of the (terrible) Kashogi killing (Turkey and Russia want the US to get out of the Saudi arms deal, so does cnn apparently). When will CNN be investigated? It is not normal and not in American interest to have a network constantly dividing the nation, all while clearly having monetary interest that aligns with Turkey's (and ironically Russia's) interest. Too many things about CNN are fishy... as someone else posted here before, I too am no longer sure what the real deal is here. Acosta is clearly unhinged and keen to advance Mexico's interests, Don Lemon calls white people the root cause of evil, Dona Brazille- ex CNN employee (and on cnn payroll at that time) gave hillary Clinton townhall questions during 2016 election, ie clearly manipulating the democratic process, and they all looked away when hillary stumbled and needed her security to help her in the car, while CNN's doctor Gupta remotely called Trump's health and health assessment by the general doctor into question and even suggested that guy is doing malpractice... on top they call Trump demented and morally unfit every day...makes you wonder who actually is colluding with who, and who is actually bad for America.

CNN Türk

Anonymous said...

On homepage, top article for hours now in combination with week long theme to call Trump a brutal leader and calling his legitimacy as president into question and that money isn't everything and the he shouldn't go ahead with the arms deal with Saudi Arabia:

"Trump slammed for turning 'blind eye' in Khashoggi murder"

"Turkey's top diplomat urged US President not to 'distance himself from human values'"

Only one or two countries could replace the US in that massive arms deal: Russia and China. It would be a massive win for them - not just the more than 100bn dollar (and hundreds of thousands of jobs lost in the US), but also because of the operation and maintenance service agreements that would strongly bind Saudi Arabia to them and shut out the US from this very important middle eastern partner. The more I think about it, and how this one murder was pushed on us for weeks, makes me really wonder what CNN is up to. Always calling Putin a 5D chess master, always having these very pro-Chinese ads and business network links on their homepage. ..and for years these talking heads on cnn told us all to learn Chinese because their economy would overtake ours by 2020. Well, since Trump got into office this certainly has been proven wrong. So why the hatred towards Trump and this over the top narrative against him all the time? It doesn't take a genius to see what's going on. What I really wonder though is why this is still permitted, with clear conflicts of interest and absolutely partisan reporting and 94% negative coverage of Trump

Anonymous said...

And then the hypocrisy of letting Turkey lecture the US on human rights. Have they no shame at cnn? Or are they not even trying to cover up anymore because they figured they've got enough parrots repeating their talking points now that they're in the clear and untouchable?