Thursday, December 27, 2018

Did President Trump's Signing Of MAGA Hats Brought By To Him Soldiers Violated Military Rules?

CNN: Troops bringing Trump hats to sign may violate military rule

(CNN)President Donald Trump made his first visit to a war zone on Wednesday, receiving an enthusiastic reception from many US troops there -- some of whom may have run afoul of military rules.

Video footage and the written report of Trump's visit with service members in Iraq showed the President signing "Make America Great Again" hats and an embroidered patch that read "Trump 2020."

But troops' requests for the autographs could brush up against Department of Defense guidelines for political activities.

Read more ....

Update: CNN: Trump signing MAGA hats for troops may have violated Pentagon rules (The Hill)

WNU Editor: No CNN outrage when President Obama signed memorabilia for service members at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait (link here), or First Lady Michelle Obama signing autographs during a presidential visit to Fort Stewart (link here). My take is that soldiers sacrifice enough. If they have a chance to meet a President that they support and want something beside a selfie to remember it by .... why not.


Anonymous said...

CNN is so full of s**t. For what I'm concerned, I truly believe it is CNN that is actually colluding with foreign entities.

Their really odd way of agreeing with Erdogan to drop the 100bn arms deal (so Russia or China can pick it up) is really suspicious. So are their activities in Turkey via cnnturk

Also CNN always seems to be pro China, never criticising them.

And, of course, it was a CNN employee (Donna Brazille) who was caught red handed actually influencing the 2016 election by handing over town hall questions to Hillary Clinton.

It is the worst news network, always ranked at the bottom, and they do employ racists like Don Lemon, who sew division and hatred among the US population. And I say that as a European. It is a network truly worthy of investigation.

On top, their CEO, Zucker - is openly pondering to run for president in 2020, on the Democrat ticket, of course.. it is so dispicable excuse of a network.. it used to be a good network about 15-20 years ago, but since 9/11 they have changed and realised that by using things like "orange alert" (remember that?) they could bind watchers to sit on the couch and keep watching.. it's a network that profits on hatred, division, lies, falsehoods and of course the favourite - leaving out facts. I so, so hate CNN for what they have done to the US and hope they get investigated

Anonymous said...

@WNU: just unbelievable.. I mentioned this a few days back, the false flag operation a liberal donor did to tie Russia to a Republican:

Crickets on the left.

Anonymous said...

Yes! and hats made in China

Anonymous said...

Hats do not ruin a nations. $1,000 Apple cell phones made in China do.

Thanks Libtards! Drooling Morons!

Anonymous said...

Signing a MAGA hat is trouble?

If you think it is then you need a shrink.

Wearing a MAGA hat in uniform outside an event, now that is going to get you a slap o the wrist the 1st time ... after that you get what you get.