Thursday, December 13, 2018

Editor's Note

Helping a friend right now. He and his wife came back from vacation this morning and found out that his oil furnace water pipes and other water pipes froze and broke in the past few days (it was -22C last night). Reason .... the oil company did not make their automatic delivery, and the furnace ran out of oil. Breaking walls to assess the damage right now. Blogging will return tonight.

Update 21:50 EST: What a long day. I have known this couple for decades. They have been exceptionally generous to me over the years and it feels good to return in a small way all the good things that they have done to me and my family. But after spending a day opening walls, working with the plumber, and making sure that their heating system is now functional. And celebrating by drinking two good bottles of wine. I am beyond beat (as well as slightly inebriated). It is time to go to sleep. No blogging tonight. Blogging will return tomorrow morning.


Anonymous said...


Hope the damage is less severe than it looks.

Good Luck.

Hans Persson said...

That is a LOT of work and probably a LOT of damage...

Roger Smith said...

Boss, there is a slight glimmer in this fiasco; you're working on this issue indoors.

Adam said...

Yikes. Hope the damage isn't as severe as it sounds.

Anonymous said...

Did he call Jared?

Mike Feldhake said...

Kudos WNU for assisting them in their hour of need.