Friday, December 14, 2018

FBI Counter-Intelligence Official Are Warning That China Is Threatening The World

SCMP: FBI counter-intelligence official warns US to unite against Chinese espionage threats

* Cautions are issued amid news of a Marriott data breach linked to Chinese hackers and the extradition case of a Huawei executive
* US lawmakers are told that China ‘is the most severe counter-intelligence threat facing our country today’

Calling China “the most severe counter-intelligence threat facing our country today”, a senior FBI official told US lawmakers on Wednesday that the American government, along with the business and academic communities, must adopt a more integrated approach to Beijing’s commercial espionage efforts.

“Make no mistake,” Bill Priestap, the bureau’s assistant director of counter-intelligence, said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in Washington. “The Chinese government is proposing itself as an alternative model for the world, one without a democratic system of government, and it is seeking to undermine the free and open rules-based order we helped establish following world war two.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The media and political focus in Washington is on Russia, Russia, and Russia. But as I have mentioned more than once on this blog, when compared to what China has and is doing, Russia is just a "piker".

More News On FBI Counter-Intelligence Official Warning The Threat That China Is Posing

US Officials: China Tops List of Security Threats -- VOA
Top FBI official warns of strategic threat from China through economic and other forms of espionage -- Washington Post
'Amazed' at lack of concern over 'grave' threats from China: FBI official -- ABC News
Top security officials issue stark warning of Chinese espionage efforts -- The Hill
FBI: China threatens 'the future of the world’ -- Washington Examiner
China positioning itself to supplant America as next superpower: FBI official -- Economic Times


Roger Smith said...

After the likes of some FBI people over the last few years, I am a bit surprised at my own response. It's not the response of old. Is it my advancing age or the FBI's new image that exists after the 8 years of the prior occupant and the response of too many of his appointees coupled with the politicization of many in various corridors of the government as a result of DJT's election?

And who would give a darn about hacking the Marriot's computer? I say kids. Taking on a challenge for the most part.

After all these years, why are these intrusions still occurring?

Anonymous said...

"It wouldn't surprise me when China is literally landing troops on US beaches, you fucking yanks will still point at Russia somehow"
