Tuesday, December 4, 2018

French PM Announces A Six Month Suspension Of Fuel Tax Hikes After 'Yellow Vest' Protests

Daily Mail: Macron SURRENDERS to the rioters: French president caves in and suspends fuel tax hikes in victory for the Yellow Vests after days of violent protests

* Days of 'yellow vest' demonstrations have seen mass vandalism and hundreds of arrests across France
* The protests began as a rebellion against fuel prices and planned tax hikes but later grew into civil unrest
* French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe met with ministers to find ways of ending violence yesterday
* Government will freeze planned hikes on regulated electricity and gas prices in a bid to end the riots

French President Emmanuel Macron has today caved in and suspended hated fuel tax hikes in a victory for the Yellow Vest protesters.

In a humiliating U-turn, the government said it was planning to freeze upcoming increases on regulated electricity and gas prices following emergency talks at the Elysee Palace.

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe told MPs that stricter vehicle emission controls set to kick in in January 2019 will also be suspended - one of the demands of the movement which erupted last month.

Government sources say the planned six-month suspension will cost 2 billion euros (£1.78 billion) with the hole in public finances funded entirely by corresponding spending cuts.

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WNU Editor: This is not going to calm the protest movement in France. Not even close. The carbon tax on fuel is just part of a bigger problem. Government taxes are rising, services are decreasing, and to maintain a stable middle-class lifestyle is becoming next to impossible for young families in France.

More News On Frances PM Announcing A Six Month Suspension Of Fuel Tax Hikes

The Latest: France delays fuel, utility hikes amid protests -- AP
French PM announces suspension of fuel tax hikes after 'Yellow Vest' protests -- France 24
Macron makes U-turn on fuel-tax increases in face of 'yellow vest' protests -- Reuters
France suspends fuel tax, but protesters vow to fight on -- AP
France protests: PM Philippe suspends fuel tax rises -- BBC
France suspends fuel tax hike for 6 months to quell protests -- DW
France suspends fuel tax rise after wave of violent protests -- The Guardian
French Government backflips over fuel tax increases after weeks of violent protests -- ABC News Online
France halts fuel price hike in bid to subdue violent protests -- UPI
France suspends fuel tax hikes amid 'yellow vest' protests -- Al Jazeera
France introduces 6-month moratorium on fuel tax increases -- RT

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