Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Developing ‘Offensive Missiles’ That Can Reach ‘Anywhere’ In The Middle East

Times Of Israel: Netanyahu: Israel developing missiles ‘no other country has’

PM says state-owned defense contractor working on weapons systems able to ‘reach anywhere in the area,’ hails IAI contributions to first Israeli lunar mission

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday said that Israel is developing missiles with “special capabilities that no other country has,” during a visit to state-owned defense contractor Israel Aerospace Industries.

“They are developing offensive missiles here that can reach anywhere in the area and any target,” Netanyahu said, according to a statement from his office. “This is the offensive power of the State of Israel, which is very important for us in all sectors.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Iran has responded .... Zarif blasts Netanyahu for ‘boasting of offensive missiles’ (Press TV)

More News On Israeli Claims That They Are Developing ‘Offensive Missiles’ That Can Reach ‘Anywhere’ In The Middle East

Netanyahu: Israel has missiles that can strike any target in the Middle East -- Jerusalem Post
Netanyahu: Our Missiles Are Better than Yours -- Jerusalem Online
Tel Aviv Developing Missiles to Reach Any Target in Middle East - Netanyahu Boasts -- Al Bawaba
Israel developing ‘offensive missiles’ that can reach ‘anywhere’ in the Middle East – Netanyahu -- RT


B.Poster said...

It seems Iran boasts all of the time. I think the expression that comes to mind is "pot calling kettle black." Israel has invested primarily in defensive weapons in recent years. Given the threats faced, it seems reasonable that Israel would invest in offensive capabilities. If Iran doesn't like Israel's rhetoric, perhaps they need to cool their own.

Iran has Russia as an ally along with the support of numerous international bodies who will simply rubberstamp anything and everything they want as well as a cadre of supporters in the world and US news media who will support them and advocate for their position tirelessly. Additionally, they have much support buried deep in the US government always willing to push things Iran's way with regards to US policy. Israel has nothing even close to this.

An example of this being the outrage over the death of the "journalist." Clearly this was designed to try and drive a wedge between the US and Saudi Arabia at a time when both countries are facing existential threats on multiple fronts by many of the same enemies. Congressional idiots and those of their ilk seem to be clueless that they are being manipulated to act against American interests. This is likely being coordinated by foreign powers. As of now, POTUS and his team are not falling for the trap. And to think the media tells us it is Trump and his team members who have and are acting on behalf of foreign powers!!

The only "card" Israel has to "play" here is a nuclear deterrent. This is the so called "Samson option." Israel has never formally admitted to having such a weapon. The reason is this is a bluff. They do not actually have such weapons. If I know this, then I am pretty sure Iran does as well.

Anonymous said...

You really can not be that dumb, can you?

Anonymous said...

and those nuke armed subs bought from Germany?

B.Poster said...

"You really can not be that dumb can you?" If directed at me, as I explained, the Israelis have been opaque on this issue, even though Netanyahu did come close to acknowledging it a few years back.

The main support for the claim appears to be from Israeli defectors. Developing nuclear weapons is hard and would be even harder to do under cloak. Israel is the most scrutinized country in the world and has been for decades and no one would have supported them pursuing this endeavor. As such, the extreme obstacles they would need to overcome to develop such weapons makes it extremely problematic.

Therefore my conclusion is that they are likely bluffing AND the bluff has worked extremely well. This is not "stupid" but is based upon what I firmly believe to be sound analysis to real world situations. How does this influence our policy or how should it influence it towards our ally Israel? If we assume they have the cushion of a nuclear deterrent, this is likely in error and we should plan accordingly.

While I would love to believe our ally is nuclear armed as it would relieve some of the pressure on us, this likely is not correct. We should plan accordingly. Estimated probability that Israel is bluffing is 95% to 98%. The bluff has worked. Would you take even a 2% if you planned to opposed them.

As for the nuke armed subs purchased from Germany, Germany isn't nuclear armed. It's very likely the subs can carry missiles of different types. Again, I would love to believe this isn't a bluff but that doesn't seem likely.