Thursday, December 27, 2018

Melania Trump's Visit To Iraq Marks The First Time That A 'First Lady' Has Traveled To An Active Combat Zone

WNU Editor: A WNU reader sent me in this post ..... Melania Trump mocked for wearing Timberland boots while visiting troops (Yahoo News). She pointed out this paragraph ....

.... For the visit, which was unscheduled, Melania broke first lady precedent by travelling to an active combat zone. To take selfies with soldiers and speak military members, FLOTUS wore a suede mustard belted blouse with dark green trousers.

I did some research .... and yes .... this is the first time a "First Lady" has traveled to an active combat zone. You would think that would be the headline, and not mocking her boots.


Anonymous said...

...and she tossed five live grenades at ISSI people

Anonymous said...

When FDR suggested in 1943 that ER go on a goodwill tour of Australia and New Zealand she readily agreed. Ever since her return from Great Britain in 1942, ER had wanted to go to the South Pacific both to see US servicemen there and to observe the homefront in Australia and New Zealand. She particularly wanted to visit Guadalcanal, where US forces had fought a major battle that had only recently ended. FDR was reluctant to let her go into the actual war zone but he finally relented, "if it did not interfere with the conduct of the war."

Americanadian soldier said...

Instead the media made fun of her outfit...... goes to show how delusional and unreasonable the left has become. Nobody can work with those psychopaths

Anonymous said...

ER is that the hip name for Eleanor Roosevelt?

I guess ER is sexy like the name "the notorious RBG" is sexy.

Eleanor was a champion. Maybe more so than her husband. Her husband cheated on her more than Trump ever cheated on Melania, so she had a lot of time to travel. A lot. When FDR died his mistress was there, but not his wife.

Anonymous said...

i think she should have shaved her head and got a taktoo

Anonymous said...

FDR had a girlfriend, true, and Trump had at least 5 girls that he messed with...but then so too did LBJ and JFK...the difference? the press did not deal with private things in the public but now all things fair game

Anonymous said...

I do not remember New Zealand being attacked by the Japanese when Eleanor was there or ever. Same for the east coast of Australia.

Battle of Britain was long over by the time Eleanor went to England.

Anonymous said...

President Donald Trump politicized his visit to troops in Iraq, putting the soldiers in a “very bad position,” according to a retired general.

Mark Hertling, who formerly served as a lieutenant general and the commanding general of U.S. Army Europe and the Seventh Army, appeared on CNN on Wednesday to share his perspective on the president’s surprise trip to Iraq. Speaking to host Don Lemon, Hertling was highly critical of how Trump handled the troop visit.

“What [presidents] don’t do is politicize the event, and unfortunately as we saw some of the commentary by the president today, that’s exactly what he did,” Hertling pointed out. “It puts the soldiers—truthfully, all of the military personnel—in a very bad position,” he added, “because the military has regulations against doing exactly that.”

Anonymous said...

Michelle Obama named America's most admired woman in new poll

Anonymous said...

Obama Tops Trump as America’s Most Admired Person

Anonymous said...

What about when Pat Nixon went to S. Vietnam with her husband in 1969, and Laura Bush who went to Afghanistan in 2008?