Monday, December 3, 2018

Military Operations Can No Longer Be Kept Secret

The Pentagon is investing billions in artificial intelligence to mine data that could help them win the next war. Officials have said they are actively working to "refine information analysis" through AI, to eventually reach operators on the ground or in the sky in a decisive and streamlined way. (US Army illustration) The Days of Secret Military Operations May Soon Be Over. Does That Matter?

In the age of social media and increasingly available connectivity, experts say it is becoming more and more challenging for the U.S. military to conduct operations under a cloud of darkness.

Secrets now come with a half-life, multiple experts recently told And what comes into question is how the U.S. military will plan each operation down to the smallest detail in order to avoid catastrophic incidents with emerging powers or near-peer threats such as Russia or China.

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WNU Editor: A third of the world is already connected via through the internet by social media. In such a world secrets are no longer possible .... especially when it comes to military operations.


Anonymous said...

If they can no longer be kept secret, then it matters to either delay them from becoming public - including decreasing action/time to complete times - and to obfuscate as much as possible, i.e. you may get signals that an action takes place, but other signals may say they are not. Which is entirely possible, i.e. you can use AI to create video signals that look perfect soon, and cannot be detected to have been manipulated with as easily as before. In short, there will always be a way to keep something secret, but it will require to change the nature of perception and truth, which is THEIR whole game. :) Where necessity demands, solution follows.

Mike Feldhake said...

We would not be suggesting here to manipulate the air waves (LOL) to manage the impressions of the masses would we...I hope not!