Wednesday, December 12, 2018

NYT’s Paul Krugman: US, Russia And Saudi Arabia Are The ‘New Axis Of Evil’

The Hill: NYT’s Krugman: US, Russia and Saudi Arabia are ‘new axis of evil’

New York Times opinion columnist Paul Krugman said Monday that Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States represent a new axis of evil.

"There's a new axis of evil: Russia, Saudi Arabia — and the United States," Krugman tweeted, linking to a story about how the three countries all declined to endorse the United Nation's latest climate study.

The phrase "axis of evil" was coined by former President George W. Bush to refer to Iraq, Iran and North Korea in 2002, three countries accused of supporting terrorism or of nuclear proliferation.

The United States, along with Russia, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, at a climate summit in Poland objected to language welcoming a report produced by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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WNU Editor: And to think that he won the Nobel Prize in Economics.


B.Poster said...

Human caused global warming is a myth. At some point, the people who hold this view will be looked upon in the same fashion as those who once supported a flat earth or an earth centered model of the universe. The myth was likely formulated to allow government bureaucrats to concentrate more power in their hands at the expense of the people and business interests.

Far from being an "axis of evil," the countries that reject this are showing themselves to be good stewards of earth's bounty and actually want to grow their economies, raise the standards of living for their citizens, and raise the standard of living worldwide. The fact that Mr. Krugman won a Nobel says as much about who awarded this as it does about him and it does not bode well fro any of them.

Anonymous said...

You guys are nuts. Sorry WNU editor but it's pretty sad that the two posts on this declare:

1. Former MIT and Princeton professor, Nobel Prize winner, 27 book author, former "favorite living economist under 60" by peers --- well he knows jack and never did.

2. Climate change is such an absolutely obvious joke that it's up there the the earth being flat. Oh and it was probably made but by "them" to steal everyone from everyone.

I know I'd cringe if I read that on my blog consistently.
P.S. I'm not in favor of what he said obviously.

B.Poster said...

Anon (1:35PM),

1.)The MIT and Princeton professor lives in a bubble where he writes books, read by others who hold his views, and they support each other and reinforce each other. The same goes for his "peers" and the those who decide on the Nobel Prize. "Well he knows jack and never did." While I did not necessarily put it this way, this essentially sums it up.

Being a University professor and media pundit he can live in a bubble clinging to crack pot ideas. In the private sector such things don't work.

2.)The primary driver of the climate is the sun. Any affect humans can have on this is minimal. While I am not sure if someone made it up per say, it is being used as a cover for the government to confiscate more and more and to usurp more and more power from the citizens. I do think this explains why some cling to this. As of right now, I would call it the greatest scam ever foisted upon humanity. Some are starting to see through it and are actually wanting to grow our economies, enhance our national security, and allow our citizens a bright and prosperous future. The scam of man caused climate change runs contrary to these goals.

Mike Feldhake said...

This just reminds me of the scientists that got stuck in ice on a boat during a trip to prove that global warming was true! LOL

Having said that, I am actually impressed that we have held steady as we have during my life time, by by geological time my time is only an instant. No one has enough data to declare anything. LOL

Anonymous said...

It is great that all you folks worked for decades to become scientists capable of taking and interpreting data. As for me, I use my remote and sit on the couch to achieve my ability to run the Stock Market, run the Pentagon, and have meaningful opinions on world news and politics.