Sunday, December 2, 2018

Pentagon Warns That An EMP Attack Could Wipe Out America

Washington Examiner: Military warns EMP attack could wipe out America, 'democracy, world order'

In an extraordinary and sobering report meant to educate the nation on a growing threat, a new military study warns that an electromagnetic pulse weapon attack such as those developed by North Korea, Russia, and Iran could essentially challenge the United States and displace millions.

“Based on the totality of available data,” said the report from the Air Force’s Air University and provided to Secrets, “an electromagnetic spectrum attack may be a threat to the United States, democracy, and the world order.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: America will survive. The report is here .... Electromagnetic Defense Task Force.


RussInSoCal said...

I don't think an EMP burst would wipe out America, but it would wipe out many US cities.

The folks who are in the most danger in a large scale EMP strike are the ones who reside deep inside America's city centers. The ones most dependent on government services and a service economy based on routine & timely deliveries (of everything) into the zones. City dwellers unused to changing out a light switch or a car tire. Or even drive a car. Unable to repair their own toilet. No planning or preparedness. Concentrated populations, aging infrastructure and social unease at the outset, America's deep blue urban centers are ripe for a large die off if an EMP hits and then does what everyone thinks it can do.

/Fly-over country bumpkins will probably do much better.



Americanadian soldier said...
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Anonymous said...

Yeah Russ, I'd say us southern Californians would be the millions.

Dave Goldstein said...

I rate emp attacks as a 2 on my list of bad things, nukes are 1. It would be very bad. Worse for the idiots who did it. Missiles would fly and the end of the world would be next.

AZuLike said...

You mean Fred can't watch CNN?

Anonymous said...

Why is this news? It’s been long speculated in the press and other organs of fiction.