Sunday, December 23, 2018

President Trump: Defense Secretary Jim Mattis Will Leave His Post On January 1, Two Months Earlier Than Planned

Update: Trump says Mattis to leave by end of year, announces new acting secretary of defense (CNN)

WNU Editor: Everyone in the White House and Cabinet serves at the pleasure of the President, and this is what happens when you lose the trust of the President .... Trump, Angry Over Mattis’s Rebuke, Removes Him 2 Months Early (New York Times). And while I do not know if President Trump is angry with him, I do know that with Syria in flux and the war situation in Afghanistan deteriorating very quickly now, President Trump needs someone at the Pentagon who is in sync with views instead of a lame duck Secretary of Defense who opposes his policies for the next two months.


Anonymous said...

Bye bye!

Haruka said...

Sad to see Mattis leave. He's the only person I agreed with 100%. Talking with other people in the military, I have not met one person who wasn't sad to see his departure, but hopefully he will continue to be a part of America's foreign policy in the future in some capacity.

War News Updates Editor said...

If you want a warrior, there is no better person to have than US Defense Secretary Mattis. To have the Pentagon and military operate as efficiently as possible .... again .... he has helped the military to prepare for future conflicts. But in foreign policy .... he is not the person to be there. The conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan need a political solution, and Mattis is not the man to do it..

B.Poster said...


I think your comment is spot on. Having him in this position has improved our military readiness and our military is in better shape now than it was when Trump assimed office.

We are enteting a new phase now. He isn't the right person for the current situation. At the time he accepted the position, he was the right person and we cannot thank him enough for his service.

Anonymous said...


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