Friday, December 28, 2018

President Trump Described What It Was Like Flying Into Iraq

Warzone/The Drive: Trump "Had Never Seen Anything Like" His Secretive Flight To Iraq Aboard Air Force One

Trump has already offered up an account of his trip including what sounds like a very tense approach to the Iraqi air base.

We are learning more about President Trump's short trip to Al Asad Air Base in Western Iraq now that Air Force One is safely at Ramstein Air Base in Germany. This includes an account of the flight from Trump himself.

While fielding questions at the U.S. military forward operating location, Trump was asked if he had concerns about the trip. Here is how he replied:

"Absolutely. When I heard what ya had to go through. I mean look, I had concerns for the institution of the presidency, because, not for myself personally, I had concerns for the first lady, I will tell you. But if you would have seen what we had to go through, with the darkened plane with all windows closed, with no lights on whatsoever, anywhere, pitch black, I’ve never seen that, been on many airplanes, all types and shapes and sizes, I’ve never seen anything like it.

We're coming in and I know all of the things that were surrounding us for safety. So did I have a concern? Yeah I had a concern. But my bigger concern was maybe the people that were with me. Certainly all of them. Except maybe John Bolton. He's a pretty tough guy, he can handle it. Right John? John Can handle it."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: We know only of one instance where Air Force One performed radical maneuvers over a perceived threat .... The Time Air Force One Took Evasive Maneuvers To Defend Itself Against Syrian MiGs (Warzone/The Drive).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a selfie! look at me! I am so great