Saturday, December 15, 2018

RT Reporter Almost Gets 'Run Over' By A Russian Tu-160 Bomber (Video)

National Interest: VIDEO: Watch This Reporter Almost Get Run Over By A Russian Tu-160 Bomber

PROTIP: it is not a smart idea to walk on an active runway as planes are taking off or landing.

A Russian reporter nearly got her head taken off during a live shot of a Russian TU-160 bomber landing in Venezuela.

Maria Finoshina of Russia’s RT cable news network was standing on the runway as one of the two bombers sent to Venezuela was about to touch down. As she walked toward the landing aircraft, one of the bomber’s wings narrowly passed above her head.

“Wow! Spectacular,” Finoshina yelled ecstatically as she made a tactical withdrawal from the center of the runway. Although she maintained her composure throughout the landing, she is lucky to have escaped unscathed.

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WNU Editor: What was she thinking?


Anonymous said...

You are implying that she was thinking at all.

Anonymous said...

She kicks the bucket or ups her stock and gets laid and wins Darwinian.

RussInSoCal said...

Looks much closer than it was. The wings, even with flaps deployed are about three meters above he ground. I’m surprised she wasn’t blown down by the wing vortices.

Anonymous said...

She is Russian. She reports in English. She did not just wander on to the flight line, any more than Russian strategic bombers happened to visit the People's Republic of Venezuela.