Thursday, December 27, 2018

Russia Tells U.S. Not to Interfere in Saudi Crown Prince MBS Becoming King

Newsweek: Russia Tells U.S. Not to Interfere in Saudi Crown Prince MBS Becoming King, Despite Khashoggi Killing

Russia went to bat for Mohammad bin Salman after the young Saudi crown prince came under fire for the killing of a Saudi journalist in Turkey.

Russia’s deputy foreign minister and Middle East envoy, Mikhail Bogdanov, warned on Tuesday that the U.S. should not try to influence the line of succession in Saudi Arabia, and he signaled that Moscow believes the 33-year-old prince should succeed his father as king.

“The king made a decision and I can’t even imagine on what grounds someone in America will interfere in such an issue and think about who should rule Saudi Arabia, now or in the future. This is a Saudi matter,” Bogdanov told reporters.

Read more ....

Update: Russia Warns U.S. Against Interfering in Saudi Royal Succession (Bloomberg)

WNU Editor: As we learned from the above video, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and Russian President Putin are now "tight".


Anonymous said...

but ok for Russia to interfere when and where they choose

Anonymous said...

Saudi Arabia was an US ally. But is was not pure. Democrats protested. Now Saudi Arabia is drifting to Russia.

Syria is a Russian ally. Assad is not pure. Democrats like Pelosi and Kerry kissed up to Assad. Syria is still a Russian ally despite the suction and empty words.

MBS and Assad have done unpure things like eliminate rivals using security services. With one we get histrionics. With another we get rapprochement and a sloppy wet love fest. Was Pelosi and Kerry Checked for STDs, when they got back from Syria in 2007? Tribune Pelosi showed a lot of leg and had a very short skirt, when she met with Assad. There wasn't much to hike up.

Just like the Democrat Media and the Democrat Party to push everyone into the Russian camp. Bunch of low life morons.

Anonymous said...

417 aka low IQ

Assad is going to hang in there if 2/3rds of Washington beats a part to his door, while he is arming jihadis to kill Americans during the Iraq War.

We could swab their mouths to see if they both have the same strain of HPV. A little bit of forensic sleuthing. Wonder who develops throat cancer 1st. Assad or ...

Obama had a go slow approach to arming the jihadis, non lethal aid and bombing ISIS with leaflets. Obama refused to bomb oil infrastructure until Putin moved on. Obama did not up his game until Putin came along. Quite the coward is Obama.

"The military has had a number of leaflet drops in Syria, several urging young men not to join the Islamic State, or ISIL."

"A former CIA director says concerns about environmental impact have prevented the White House from bombing oil wells that finance the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)."

Anonymous said...

orell said that “we didn’t go after oil wells, actually hitting oil wells that ISIS controls, because we didn’t want to do environmental damage and we didn’t want to destroy that infrastructure.”

If ever a statement by a former administration official offered a glimpse into the looney priorities of the Obama administration, this is it! We did not bomb the oil fields upon which ISIS depends for the bulk of its revenue because of our concerns about adding to the carbon emissions that promote global warming (in the desert).

Jac said...

I have completely lost the usual sense of the Putin strategy. This look a little bit "Brownian".