Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Russian Mobile Nuclear Missile In The Backroads Of The Russian Federation

Popular Mechanics: New Video Shows Russia's Mobile ICBMs Tackling the Snow

The video celebrates 59 years of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Russia is a big country, with eleven consecutive time zones and plenty of room to hide things like nuclear missiles. Unlike the United States, the Russian Strategic Missile Forces utilize mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles that traverse the backroads of the Russian Federation, prepared to launch their nuclear-tipped missiles against targets worldwide.

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WNU Editor: That is one big mobile nuclear missile.


Anonymous said...

It's Kind of crazy though that this missile (a MIRV, ie with Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles - and of course the corresponding multiple payloads/nukes) can shower eg the east coast of the US and kill like 1-10million depending on target area in one hit. Just one of these missiles and almost all of New York is gone. If anyone ever manages to fire such a thing "by accident", life and geopolitics changes over night. Not figuratively. You literally wake up the next morning, and even if no retaliatory nuclear exchange took place and Moscow is gone, it will still be a completely different world. Much of finance will go wild and trillions on top of the trillions in material cost during the actual nuking would be wiped out on the stock market. Elderly people's 401k would be worthless. The dollar would tank. Gold prices and oil would shoot up. Many of the world's companies head quarters would be wiped out.

Just one missile and life everywhere around this planet will get very very challenging. China would use opportunity of weak US to invade Taiwan. Iran would probably try to use this to take over the middle east and Europe without Americans would make a tempting target for many..

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry my bad, I just read up on payloads for this one. Apparently it's one of the weaker missiles if the author of article is right. Less than 1Mt, even if all 3 (also bit low number) mirv warheads were to be counted together. But you could still wipe out Manhattan and some more with it. Like completely. So maybe only 1/2-1/4th of NYC completely gone depending on blast altitude etc.. but still.. I guess we humans have to build weapons like this that are so unimaginable to use, so that we won't. I hope the theory of MAD holds true. All of life on earth depends on it. Funny how little we talk about that and how much we talk about gender bathrooms, safe spaces, etc

War News Updates Editor said...


Good question. And the music drowns out what they are saying.