Saturday, December 15, 2018

The U.S. National Defense Strategy Commission Is Recommending An $850 Billion Defense Budget

Lawrence J. Korb, National Interest: The Problem with the National Defense Strategy Commission

Newsflash: the military would not be satisfied even if it was allowed to use the whole federal budget.

Here we go again. For the third time in the last decade, Congress has established a bipartisan group of outside experts to analyze whether the proposed defense budget program is large enough to implement the current defense strategy. Not surprisingly, the outside group, known as the National Defense Strategy Commission (NDSC), like its 2010 and 2014 predecessors argues that significantly more money is needed by the Pentagon or else there will be dire consequences for the nation. According to the NDSC, the Trump administration plan to spend about $3.7 trillion on the Pentagon from fiscal year 2020 to fiscal year 2024, or about $750 billion per year, is not adequate to support its National Defense Strategy. The commission argues that the Pentagon must spend a minimum of $4.2 trillion over this time, or about $100 billion more a year, than the Trump plan if it is to adequately protect this nation.

There are at least six reasons for why this happened in the past and is happening again now.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It is always about the money .... and the need to spend more. But I do not know how long this U.S. urge to spend money is going to last if this continues .... US budget deficit hits record $204.9 billion for November (AP).


Anonymous said...

So I went to a restaurant, recently, and saw two women with 3 children under five. The women were 17 to 25 and by all looks unmarried.

This is why the US will never have enough money to defend against Chinese or Russian aggression.

Must be nice to speadem legem and not payem.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, welfare for the NatSec State and the incompetent Generals, Admirals and assorted clowns that administer it will finally win our perpetual land wars in Asia. Why stop at $850 billion, how about a $trillion, $2trillion a year, that will help America win a war somewhere at last.

The real reason Western Civilization is declining is though, is Tyrone. See Tyrone spent some of his food stamps on cigarettes. The poors lack moral fiber and come from weaker stock. Shame on you Tyrone for besmirching our Doric columns, for shame.

Is the buffet at Golden Corral still open? I weigh 456 pounds and need my 9000 calories a day to survive. Cut me some slack, I'm on disability.

Anonymous said...


I have seen the bellies of both beats.

It is Tyrone. I live it. I know it.

FU, U nasty Bitch!