Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Third And Final Zumwalt-Class Stealth Destroyer Has Been Launched

A Navy rendering of the future destroyer Lyndon B. Johnson, the last of the three-ship Zumwalt class of stealth destroyers. (U.S. Navy)

Navy Times: The US Navy’s last stealth destroyer is in the water

WASHINGTON — Bath Iron Works has launched the U.S. Navy’s third and final Zumwalt-class destroyer amid a debate over the future of the ship, which fell victim to its enormous price tag and changing requirements.

The future destroyer Lyndon B. Johnson was launched Dec. 9 at General Dynamics-Bath Iron Works, Maine, which happens when the dry-dock on which the ship rests is flooded until the ship is floating.

The Johnson will be different from its sister ships, the Monsoor and Zumwalt, primarily because of its steel deckhouse instead of the composite material used on the other ships. The move was intended to save money.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: These destroyers may be mothballed .... The destroyer Zumwalt's big guns don't have any ammo, and the Navy may ditch them entirely because they don't even work right (Business Insider).

More News On The Launching Of The U.S. Navy's Third And Final Zumwalt-Class Stealth Destroyer

Future USS Lyndon B. Johnson Floated in Dry Dock -- US News and World Report
Zumwalt-class destroyer USS Lyndon B. Johnson launched in Maine -- UPI
Second Zumwalt Destroyer Arrives in San Diego; Third Launches in Maine -- USNI
Third and Final Zumwalt-Class Stealth Destroyer Launches at Ships’ Fate Remains Undetermined -- Popular Mechanics
US Navy launches third and final Zumwalt-class destroyer -- New Atlas
Bath Iron Works Launches Last Zumwalt-Class Destroyer -- Maritime Executive
US Launches Third Zumwalt-Class Guided Missile Destroyer -- The Diplomat


Dave Goldstein said...

It's appropriate that the last Zumwalt was named after LBJ.

Anonymous said...

I agree Dave,

The Zumwalt class has been a travesty from the beginning. This was supposed to be a Shore Bombardment ship to support land operations. So what guns do they put on this thing? 16 inch guns? no. How about a 12 inch? No again.

We will give you two 155mm cannons. I.e the same caliber of the rest of our ground based artillery. But hey, we will give you some really expensive and fancy shells, that have already been implemented on the ground based artillery for less money.

Well, hey now. This will be a stealth ship. Except stealthiness and surface ships are effectively mutually exclusive.

And so on and so on.

It is safe to say that it is a bad class of ship.

Mike Feldhake said...

Ok, if they are so bad, why build this one!? Hmm, false information to ward off interest!?

Anonymous said...

@Michael Feldhake

You clearly haven't been introduced to the appropriations system in the United Sates. So to give you a concise answer:

Lobbying, kickbacks, political backscratching and employment.