Sunday, December 23, 2018

This Is How Google Earth Helps The State Spy On Us

Yasha Levine, The Guardian: Google’s Earth: how the tech giant is helping the state spy on us

We knew that being connected had a price – our data. But we didn’t care. Then it turned out that Google’s main clients included the military and intelligence agencies.

The internet surrounds us. It mediates modern life, like a giant, unseen blob that engulfs the modern world. There is no escape, and, as Larry Page and Sergey Brin so astutely understood when they launched Google in 1998, everything that people do online leaves a trail of data. If saved and used correctly, these traces make up a goldmine of information full of insights into people on a personal level as well as a valuable read on larger cultural, economic and political trends.

Google was the first internet company to fully leverage this insight and build a business on the data that people leave behind. But it wasn’t alone for long. It happened just about everywhere, from the smallest app to the most sprawling platform.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:  A good summary on what we already know.


Anonymous said...

Hey warnewsupdates do you know about the loyalty oath law being forced in US states?

Would like to know your view about it.

War News Updates Editor said...

Sorry Anon,
I do not know about a loyalty oath.
Will do some research.

Anonymous said...

Here is the old oath

I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The appartchiks in the bureaucracy want soldiers to now declare loyalty to whoever the Democrat frontrunner for president will be.

There fixed you 1:19. 2 can play that game.

Anonymous said...

I, (Anonymous 1:19 AM), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the DEmocrat National Committee against all Republicans, Conservative, Libertarians or deviationists, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the head of the Democrat Party and the orders of the party members appointed over me, according to regulations and the United Socialist States of America. So help me GAIA."

Anonymous said...

Pls do look into it.
About 26 US states have passed a law that employees in the states are forced to swear oath to the state of Israel and to never boycott it.

Its unconstitutional the way I look it as Americans can burn American flag. Americans must only swear to the constitution of United States

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"About 26 US states have passed a law that employees in the states are forced to swear oath to the state of Israel and to never boycott it."

Anon 119 643 lies again.

Every good lie has a kernel of truth. There is no oath of Loyalty to Israel. What there is that the state governments won't engage in the latest Leftist crusade of boycotting Israel.

Maybe the excrecrats of California or of CALPERS can pass a law or resolution saying they will invest in GAZA. Then we can watch them go broke as they are ripped of by shiftless, greedy backstabbing Palestinians.

Anonymous said...

Anon 809 I think people should be left to do or not to do what they feel like. Thats not for the government to decide.

The govermemt is for the betterment of people not for other nations.

Anonymous said...

"I think people should be left to do or not to do what they feel like."

And that is what they are doing. They are overcoming a small number of activists that are trying to piecemeal take out one university or town at a time by applying resources from around the globe to bring pressure on them. They are bring in protesters form out of state or money from Soros etc and applying pressure on universities to divest.

It is not like the universities could invest in Palestinian industries.

In 2005 the Israelis pulled out of Gaza. The Palestinians promptly tore down greenhouses for scrap and set up firing platforms for rockets. That tells me everything I need to know about them.

Investing in Israeli industries is for the betterment of the people in the US. There is this little thing called ROI.

Meanwhile the demondogs cannot show me prospering Palestinian Christians in Palestine. In Gaza they were hunted by good Muslims.

Anonymous said...

You been to gaza?

Anonymous said...

Been close enough

There are picture of the greenhouse they destroyed.

Surveys also tell the truth.

Demographics do not change that fast unless there is persecution or genocide,

Muslim persecution of Christians.

Shaitan is going to love you.