Saturday, December 15, 2018

Ukraine Navy Chief Warns That Russia Is Raising The Likelihood Of War

Russian President Vladimir Putin may be planning to escalate the conflict in Ukraine, onlookers say. Alexei Nikolsky/POOL/TASS

US News and World Report: Putin Raising Likelihood of War, Ukrainian Navy Chief Says

Analysts predict an 'imminent' surge in conflict between Russia and Ukraine in and around the Black Sea.

Russia appears poised to escalate hostilities in Ukraine, according to a new analysis – signs of an uptick in the broader war that the country's top naval officer says is directed exclusively by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"It is extremely centralized power in Russia. Everything is in the hands of Mr. Putin," Ukrainian Vice Adm. Ihor Voronchenko tells U.S. News.

Twenty-four Ukrainian sailors and seamen on Wednesday remained in Russian custody following a November encounter between the two countries' navies and security forces in the Black Sea. Russian ships have also blocked access to the Black and Azov seas, limiting Ukraine's ability to use critical commercial ports and raising the specter of war following four years of simmering conflict.

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WNU Editor: Russian President Putin does not need to set into motion an escalation of hostilities in Ukraine. The entire Ukrainian-Russian population feel discriminated upon and victimized by the central government in Kiev, and as long as the government refuses to accommodate and compromise with this ethnic group in Ukraine, the conflict will only continue.


Mike Feldhake said...

WNU; your take seems more ground based, I.e. Discrimination, but I also think Putin wants to destabilize Ukraine so it's does not fall into NATO hands. Russia was always about buffer states after the end of WWII because they got tired of being invaded, thus the USSR developed. More neighboring states are at risk as well.

Stephen Davenport said... keep going with the Putin fanboy schtick, the evil government in Kiev.. ROFLMAO...The assholes are in Moscow, not Kiev WNU.

Anonymous said...

The Ukrainians I know are ready for war.

The Russians have been pushing from Eastern Ukraine to Crimea to the seizure of Ukrainian ships.

Let's do this.

Chickens coming home to roost in Moscow.

Anonymous said...

Wait but Russia is doing exactly what America has been doing for years and I don't see you people complaining about America

Anonymous said...

"Wait but Russia is doing exactly what America has been doing for years and I don't see you people complaining about America"

Only as liar would believe this.

Broad statement with no particulars that can be inspected.

526 acts as though the Soviet Union/Russians did noting from the 1930s on except grab their ankles, spread their cheeks, and take it like a champ.

In the last 100 years Russia has invaded every country on its periphery. Everyone.

Last time the US invade along it periphery was 1848 and the Mexicans started it.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The Soviet Union not Russia.

Anonymous said...

Russia has invaded Georgia, Estonia, and Ukraine.

And that while it is relatively weak and not so, long in the tooth.

Anonymous said...

The Soviet Union & Russia are one and the same

Perhaps you do not know how to count. Is suspect that you do not.

The above link does not adequately count the invasions of Central Asia which happened on steppe, which are like the Great Plains.

One could draw a correlation from the wars on the steppe to the Wars on the plains except that Johnny wants to petulantly count the way he wants to count.

Johnny also wants to make the count be the main point and not look at the causes.

Unknown said...

Because the rest of the world needs to submit to America no?

Anonymous said...

Wee 'lil Johnny the foreign troll.

Speak like an American, if you want to troll.

Also it would be useful to have facts and well reasoned arguments. Merely citing stats can be done by any liar even one with small command of the English language.

"Lies, damned lies, and statistics" is a phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments."

So he we have Johnny citing stats out of context.

Lets compare the Russian conquest of Central Asia and consider every town, village, and city a separate tribe. Certainly, the population subjugated is greater.