Monday, December 3, 2018

Unrest Spreading In France

Daily Mail: High school students are blasted with tear gas and whacked with batons as thousands leave school to protest amid 'Yellow Vest' riots across France

* High school students across France protest plans to apply academic selection at public universities
* Video footage shows riot police using tear gas and batons against young people during protests
* Follows Saturday's violent 'yellow vest' protests in Paris which saw demonstrators take over Champs-Elysees
* The protests began as a rebellion against fuel prices but have grown into weeks of civil unrest in the capital
* In Marseille, an 80-year-old woman died in hospital on Sunday after being injured when a tear gas canister went through her windows during Saturday's protests

Riot police have been using tear gas to quell high school student protests across France today, as pupils joined in the nationwide 'yellow vest' protests against the Macron-government's policies.

Video footage shows teenagers fleeing from police tear gas in Orleans earlier today, while cars were set on fire outside a high school in the Paris suburb of Aubervilliers, where seven students were arrested following a walk-out this morning.

Around 1,000 pupils, many wearing high-vis vests, demonstrated in the city of Nice, and photographs from another student protest in Bordeaux appear to show riot police using batons against teenagers.

Hundreds of schools across the country have today been totally or partially blocked by students piggybacking on the 'yellow vest' demonstrations to air frustration over new university entrance requirements.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: My neighbor's daughter lives in Paris. I learned from her this afternoon that her 45 year old daughter participated for the first time in her life in a demonstration against the Macron government. Bottom line. The middle class is in revolt in France, and it is going to get worse.


Americanadian soldier said...

Not even main stream media can ignore this any more. I wonder if something similar might be in the cards for us when carbon tax is fully implemented.

Mike Feldhake said...

Ok, this is bad. I suspect Macron will need to resign at this point. No way he can avoid the backlash from this.

RussInSoCal said...

Macron is an intransigent AGW fanatic. The tax is not to raise money. Macron's stated goal re: the carbon tax is there to "fight global warming". Through punishment of the middle class to FORCE them into state controlled 'green' transportation.

They're fighting their own citizens instead.

Turfy77 said...

Open Immigration at its best

Just a carpenter. said...

I'm beginning to think the door was left open simply to stoke the flames..

Anonymous said...

Only a poor reader would think this has anything to do with immigration