Wednesday, December 12, 2018

US Navy And Missile Defense Agency Succeed In Another Missile Defense Test

The U.S. Navy and Missile Defense Agency conducted a successful intercept of an intermediate-range ballistic missile with an SM-3 Block IIA fired from an Aegis Ashore facility in Hawaii. (U.S. Missile Defense Agency)

Defense News: US Navy, Missile Defense Agency shoot down an intermediate-range ballistic missile in space

WASHINGTON ― The U.S. Navy and Missile Defense Agency continued a hot streak Tuesday when they successfully shot down an intermediate-range ballistic missile target in space from its Hawaii-based Aegis Ashore facility.

The test marked the second consecutive successful intercept for the SM-3 Block IIA missile in development. The intercept followed an October success, which shook off two hard-luck consecutive failures ― one caused by a sailor error and a second caused by a misfired third-stage rocket motor. Both tests were on course for a successful intercept when the respective mishaps occurred, officials told Defense News.

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More News On Tuesday's Successful Missile Defense Test By The US Navy And Missile Defense Agency

U.S. missile defense system succeeds in significant test: military -- Reuters
Pentagon conducts latest successful test of US-Japan interceptor -- AFP
Aegis Ashore Scores Another Hit As US, Japan Build Up Defenses -- Breaking Defense
US Navy Shoots Down Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile Target in Test -- The Diplomat
US shoots down intermediate-range ballistic missile in space -- Defense Post
US Navy Shoot Down Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile in Test – Defence Agency -- Sputnik

1 comment:

Jac said...

That's good have, sometime, good news...........