Friday, December 14, 2018

US Senate Votes To End U.S. Support For Saudi War In Yemen. Blame Crown Prince Salman For The Murder Of Jamal Khashoggi

Politico: Senate defies Trump, rebuking Saudi Arabia after Khashoggi killing

The Senate passed a resolution Thursday to withdraw U.S. support for Saudi-backed forces at war in Yemen in a rare bipartisan rebuke to President Donald Trump.

The resolution, led by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), invokes the War Powers Act and passed in a 56-41 vote. It’s the first time the Senate has voted to withdraw forces from a war Congress didn't approve.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This US Senate vote is pure politics, with limited impact on the war .... Senate vote has little impact on US military mission in Yemen (ABC News). And while it is a message to the Crown Prince, I do not think he is worried.

More News On The US Senate Voting To End U.S. Support For Saudi Arabia's War In Yemen, And To Blame Crown Prince Salman For The Murder Of Jamal Khashoggi

Senate Votes to End Aid for Yemen Fight Over Khashoggi Killing and Saudis’ War Aims -- The New York Times
Senate rebukes Trump, Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi, Yemen war -- AP
U.S. Senate hands Trump historic rebuke on Saudi Arabia -- Reuters
Senate votes to end US support for Saudi war, bucking Trump -- The Hill
Senate votes to condemn Saudi crown prince for Khashoggi killing, end support for Yemen war -- Washington Post
Bucking Trump, US Senate OKs historic Yemen measures -- Defense News
Senators vote to end US backing for Saudi war on Yemen -- BBC
Defying Trump, US Senate votes to end US support for Yemen war -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

The U.S. cut and ran in Somali

Farah Skyhook Aidid of the Hasbr Gidr clan used food as a weapon against other clans in Somalia.

The UN fought hi m a little and then ran away.

When Aidid died, his Marine Corp son took over.

Bloggermonster said...

So? Aidid's son relinquished his positiin within a year. What does this have to do with the Saudis? Or this post for that matter?

Anonymous said...

Habr Gidr clan used starvation as a weapon and the usual, suspect did nothing.

Other than cut and run.

Usual Suspect #1: Bernie Sanders
In office January 3, 1991 – January 3, 2007

Two more points

- A lot of the starvation is due to the collapse of the Yemeni currency. That is why you have starvation in areas not Houthi in Yemen.

- Like Winston Churchill the Iranian like to hide war material with normal goods being transported to North Yemen.


Anonymous said...

Where did Mohamed Farrah Skyhook Aidid محمد فرح عيديد get his morals?

Frunze Military Academy?

Such morals! He is trained in the USSR, so his wife Mohamed Farrah Hassan Aidid can suck up Canadian welfare money.

What a great fucking country! You land there, get on welfare and then turnaround and go back to her home country with her 4 children. Meanwhile you average Canadian cannot 4 children due to the high taxes.

Anonymous said...

Bloggermonster said...
So? Aidid's son relinquished his positiin within a year.

1) What is a "positiin"?

2) Please update Wikipedia so that it does not so easily point out your lies.

He relinquished his position within a year?

"When he turned 30 years old, Farrah was selected by the Habar Gidir clan as successor to his father and returned to Somalia. In the second half of the 1990s, different faction leaders vied for the Presidency, with none receiving international recognition. General Mohamed Farrah Aidid claimed to be President from June 15, 1995 to his death on August 1, 1996. Following this Hussein was sworn in as "interim President", and became leader of the Somali National Alliance (SNA), the same alliance his father led against the US forces. Farrah was seen by the West as a chance of improvement for the relationships between them and Somalia.

On September 1, 1996, Aidid met with UN representatives for the first time, to deal with issues left over as legacies of his father's administration. Issues addressed at the meeting which needed to be resolved before the return of UN workers and the resumption of UN assistance included the following concerns:

On December 17, 1996, rival warlord Ali Mahdi Mohamed attacked his headquarters after five days of fighting that left 135 dead in Mogadishu.

On December 22, 1997, he relinquished the disputed title of President by signing the Cairo Declaration, in Cairo, Egypt following a peace process between Salbalar administration and Soodare Group.

On March 30, 1998, Ali Mahdi Mohamed and Hussein Aidid formed a peace plan which shared power over Mogadishu, ending a period of seven years of fighting after the ouster of Siad Barre.

On February 23, 1999, militiamen loyal to Aidid murdered 60 civilians in Baidoa and Daynunay."