Wednesday, December 26, 2018

U.S. Special Forces And Never Ending War

U.S. Marines and Navy SEALs conduct a debrief during a joint visit, board, search, and seizure exercise as part of composite training unit exercise COMPTUEX in the Atlantic Ocean, July 20, 2015. US Department of Defense

Boston Globe: For elite US troops, a never-ending war

Daniel Winschel of Peabody has seen more of war than most ever will. Over eight deployments, he dropped from Special Forces helicopters onto mud-brick homes, ran through doors breached by explosives, and hunted the enemy night after night in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Winschel has been steeled by combat, but he cried when he heard that Sergeant First Class Eric Emond, a friend and the father of three young girls, had been killed in Afghanistan by a roadside bomb.

Emond, a native of Fall River, died with two other Special Forces soldiers in the Nov. 27 explosion. His death came on his seventh deployment overseas, a testament to his patriotism and the military’s unprecedented reliance on Special Operations Forces.

As America’s longest war drags into its 18th year, the burden is falling heavily on a small number of elite fighters who are being sent into battle over and over, leaving loved ones behind each time. This year, 7,500 Special Operations Forces were deployed in 133 countries around the globe, and many have been deployed a dozen times or more.

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WNU Editor: All wars come to an end. But for U.S. Special Forces .... these wars have been ongoing for far too long time.


Anonymous said...

Police and military get killed in Dagestan all the time.

Anonymous said...

If you want to garrison the world and fight perpetual wars in Asia reinstate the draft.

However that's not a viable option because rich white kids parents would throw a fit, and rich white people are the best people. And once power is enacted against well to do white people, then s$%t starts to get real.

Anonymous said...

However that's not a viable option because rich white kids...

It is not like there are rich black kids or rich Hispanic kids.

GTFU Your playbook is from 1/2 century ago.

Never did learn about demographics, intermarriage or much or anything

Anonymous said...

Hey, I took Intermarriage 101 at the Tampa Bay Correspondence School. Went for a drive around Northern Virginia and noticed everyone was either black or Hispanic and rolling in BMW's.

Great points, I stand corrected.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Hi, racist. How's your day?

Anonymous said...

I see, you are one the losers who fought and lost in Vietnam. SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I do not remember an American army surrendering n nor an American general handing over his sword.

I do remember the Demofuck Congress knocking over the king and giving away the game.

I see you are clutching at straws SAD!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ho Chi Minh/Le Duan 1. USA 0.

Unified Vietnam under communist rule.


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